
This is a FileProcessor for CRUDlex handling the uploaded files via Amazon S3.

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CRUDlex Amazon S3 FileProcessor

This is a FileProcessor for CRUDlex handling the uploaded files via Amazon S3 in CRUDlex versions not using Flysystem for the file handling: >= 0.10.0 and <= 0.11.0.

How To: Amazon S3 FileProcessor

First, create an instance of the Amazon S3 FileProcessor:

$fileProcessor = new CRUDlex\AmazonS3FileProcessor(

And then hand it in when registering the CRUDlex ServiceProvider:

$app->register(new CRUDlex\ServiceProvider(), array(
    'crud.file' => __DIR__ . '<yourCrud.yml>',
    'crud.datafactory' => $dataFactory,
    'crud.fileprocessor' => $fileProcessor


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"require": {
    "philiplb/crudlexamazons3fileprocessor": "0.11.0"

Bleeding Edge

"require": {
    "philiplb/crudlexamazons3fileprocessor": "0.12.x-dev"