
Template for a Single-Page Application with modern bells and whistles

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Philip's Single-Page Application template

This template aims to make it easier to create a modern Single-Page Application using good practices.

Good practices this repo provides:

  • TypeScript
  • TSLint
  • Webpack
  • React
  • unit-testing with Jest and React Testing Library
  • 3rd party dependencies loaded externally using a CDN
  • easy local development


Install npm using whatever means is most convenient for you, such as Homebrew on macOS.


$ npm install

This creates a node_modules directory.

Unit-test SPA

$ npm test

View SPA locally

$ npm start

And your browser will magically open to the web app. This supports hot-reloading, so feel free to edit Javascript and see your changes in the browser immediately.

The other way that works is to build the app explicitly (npm run build), then simply open index.html from the local filesystem in the browser.

Publish to the Internet


$ npm run build

This will create web/app.bundle.js.

Then upload the contents of web/ to your web host.

A non-traditional host that I really like, for its simplicity and speed, is Amazon S3 Static Website hosting.

Here is the Internet-hosted version of this project: http://philipmw-spa-template.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/

Rationale for certain decisions

Q: Why is source and tests in the same directory, as opposed to src/ vs test/?

A: The pro is that it feels more natural to have tests next to source. It is also how the book I'm reading, Test-Driven React, does it. The con is that Tslint's configuration is a touch more complex, since I want to apply different line rules to source vs. test code, but the files are in the same directory.

Can you make it better?

I welcome your ideas and contributions. Please open an issue or submit a pull request.