
A Demo Fintechy approach

Primary LanguagePython

Fin-Banker REST API Service


first thing is to set up your virtual environment.

By way of illustration I will provide snippets to help you setup.

Ps. All commands below are terminal commands.

creating a virtualenv via venv

python3 -m venv {name of your env}

To activate your venv

source {name of your venv}/bin/activate

Please create a dotenv file for your environment variables. An example environment variable is provided. This file is called .example.env.

Installing Requirements can be done by using this command.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Migrating DB with Alembic

alembic upgrade heads

Starting your Server

uvicorn src.app.main:app --reload

PostMan Collection.

I create a postman collection that can be forked for testing. here -> https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/17138168/2s93RUuBx8

Docker Support added.

what does this means?

we can skip creating Virtualenvs and work directly with docker.

The start up code is

docker-compose up

tear down

docker-compose down

to carry out db migrations we use

docker-compose exec web alembic upgrade heads