
Self-hosted link protector written in PHP with MySQL database.

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION


GitHub release (latest) license demo

GitHub issues GitHub pull requests

This is a link protector written in PHP with a MySQL database.

Users can enter a bunch of links (eg download links) and will get a link to share. The link can be protected with a password and/or captcha and can be auto deleted after specified time. Data is encrypted to prevent liability for any stored links.

linkpwd is a self hosted alternative to services like keeplinks.org, filecrypt.cc or former share-links.biz, linkcrypt.ws.

Don't want to run linkpwd on your own server? See the list of public instances if you just want to use it.


  1. Download latest version from GitHub
  2. Copy includes/config.example.php to includes/config.php
  3. Edit includes/config.php with your configuration (only the MySQL database connection and DEFAULT_URL are required)
  4. Set up your MySQL database with the database.sql file
  5. You can set up a cronjob that calls the cron.php file daily to remove old data from the database


  1. Create a backup of your database and includes/config.php file
  2. Download latest version from GitHub
  3. Remove all files from your webserver and upload the new files
  4. Upload your old includes/config.php file
  5. Call upgrade.php file in your webbrowser (if this file is available)
  6. You can delete the upgrade.php file now (if this file was available)


linkpwd uses a Bootstrap css theme. You can get other styles for example from Bootswatch and replace the /assets/css/bootstrap.min.css file.


In includes/config.php set API_ENABLED to true and add an username and password to the API_KEYS array.




Send a HTTP request to /api-show.php to retrieve links.

GET parameters:

  • id
  • key
  • iv
  • password = password for the link

required POST parameters:

  • apiuser = API username
  • apipass = API password


The response is in JSON format:

  "errormsg":"This is an invalid link."

It will give you a status code that is the same as the HTTP status code:

  • 401 = the API username or password was invalid
  • 403 = the password for the link was invalid
  • 404 = either id/key/iv parameters are malformatted or there is no data for this id in the database
  • 423 = the API is disabled in configuration
  • 200 = success

And the JSON has an error message to describe the problem.


You can support this project with a donation via

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Bitcoin Cash: bitcoincash:qz7txcd367f45tdrwuxcspqu3w9505nnnchayrdcck

Ethereum: 0x3c1690c0021E4998ab6A3918e0F80De952719411