
Community-driven set of best practices for AngularJS application development


The goal of this style guide is to present a set of best practices and style guidelines for a AngularJS application.

In this style guide you won't find common guidelines for JavaScript development. For this we use the Google's JavaScript style guide.

This guide was originally forked from https://github.com/mgechev/angularjs-style-guide and was adapted to our needs. It contains additional structuring suggestions and best practices from:


  • Use:
    • $timeout instead of setTimeout
    • $window instead of window
    • $document instead of document

This will make your testing easier and in some cases prevent unexpected behaviour (for example, if you missed $scope.$apply in setTimeout).

  • Use promises ($q) instead of callbacks. It will make your code look more elegant and clean, and save you from callback hell.
  • Use restangular instead of $http when possible. Higher level of abstraction saves you from redundancy.
  • Don't use globals. Resolve all dependencies using Dependency Injection.
  • Do not pollute your $scope. Only add functions and variables that are being used in the templates.
  • Prefer the usage of controllers instead of ngInit. The only appropriate use of ngInit is for aliasing special properties of ngRepeat. Besides this case, you should use controllers rather than ngInit to initialize values on a scope.
  • Do not use $ prefix for the names of variables, properties and methods. This prefix is reserved for AngularJS usage.

Optimize the digest cycle

  • Watch only the most vital variables (for example: when using real-time communication, don't cause a digest loop in each received message).
  • Make computations in $watch as simple as possible. Making heavy and slow computations in a single $watch will slow down the whole application (the $digest loop is done in a single thread because of the single-threaded nature of JavaScript).

Directory structure

Since a large AngularJS application has many components, it's best to structure them in a directory hierarchy. We use the following approach:

  • High level division by functionality and lower level division by component types.
  • High level division = AngularJS module
  • Tests in the same directory as the tested component
  • HTML templates in the same directory as the corresponding controller
  • Routes are defined in JS file of the controller
  • The app.js file contains the main routes definition and configuration
  • Each JavaScript file should only hold a single component. The file should be named with the component's name.
  • The common module contains cross-cutting concerns and components that should be easlily reusable for other applications

Here is the layout:

├── app
│   ├── app.js
│   ├── common
│   │   ├── controllers
│   │   │   ├── ApplicationCtrl.js
│   │   │   └── ApplicationCtrl.spec.js
│   │   ├── directives
│   │   ├── filters
│   │   └── services
│   ├── applicationModule1
│   │   ├── controllers
│   │   │   ├── PageCtrl.js
│   │   │   ├── PageCtrl.spec.js
│   │   │   └── page-1.tpl.html
│   │   ├── directives
│   │   │   ├── directive1.js
│   │   │   └── directive1.spec.js
│   │   ├── filters
│   │   │   ├── filter1.js
│   │   │   └── filter1.spec.js
│   │   └── services
│   │       ├── service1.js
│   │       └── service1.spec.js
│   └── applicationModule1
│       ├── controllers
│       │   ├── OtherPageCtrl.js
│       │   ├── OtherPageCtrl.spec.js
│       │   └── other-page.tpl.html
│       └── services
│           ├── service2.js
│           └── service2.spec.js
└── components

Conventions about components naming can be found in each component section.


  • Use lowerCamelCase names for modules
  • Module hierarchies are separated by . in the example above we would therefore have the following module names: app, app.common, app.applicationModule1 and app.applicationModule2


  • The controllers are named UpperCamelCase (HomePageCtrl, AdminPanelCtrl, etc.).

  • Do not manipulate DOM in your controllers. Use directives instead.

  • The naming of the controller is done using the controllers functionality (for example shopping cart, homepage, admin panel) and the suffix Ctrl.

  • The controllers should not be defined as globals (no matter AngularJS allows this, it is a bad practice to pollute the global namespace).

  • Make the controllers as lean as possible. Abstract commonly used functions into a service.

  • Communicate between different controllers using method invocation (possible when children wants to communicate with parent) or $emit, $broadcast and $on methods. The emitted and broadcasted messages should be kept to a minimum.

  • Make a list of all messages which are passed using $emit, $broadcast and manage it carefully because of name collisions and possible bugs.

  • When you need to format data, encapsulate the formatting logic into a filter and declare it as dependency:

      module.filter('myFormat', function () {
        return function () {
      module.controller('MyCtrl', function ($scope, myFormatFilter) {

##Controller as syntax

  • Use the Controller as syntax, this makes it easier to see which controller you are using in the templates

  • See: http://egghead.io/lessons/angularjs-experimental-controller-as-syntax (it's not experimental anymore, was released with 1.2.0)

  • Example:

       <div ng-controller="MainCtrl as main">
          <div ng-controller="NestedCtrl as nested">
             {{ nested.label }}
             {{ main.label }}
       module.controller('MainCtrl', function () {
          // Note: no $scope needed
          this.label = 'Main label';
       module.controller('NestedCtrl', function () {
          this.label = 'Nested label';


  • Name your directives with lowerCamelCase and prefix them to prevent name collisions with third-party libraries (xySuperSlider, xyShinyPanel, etc.).
  • Use scope instead of $scope in your link function. In the compile, post/pre link functions you have already defined arguments which will be passed when the function is invoked, you won't be able to change them using DI. This style is also used in AngularJS's source code.
  • Do not use ng or ui prefixes since they are reserved for AngularJS and AngularJS UI usage.
  • DOM manipulations must be done only through directives.
  • Create an isolated scope when you develop reusable components.
  • Use directives as attributes or elements instead of comments or classes, this will make your code more readable.
  • Use $scope.$on('$destroy', fn) for cleaning up. This is especially useful when you're wrapping third-party plugins as directives.


  • Name your filters with lowerCamelCase (for example phoneFormat)
  • Make your filters as light as possible. They are called often during the $digest loop so creating a slow filter will slow down your app.


  • Use lowerCamelCase to name your services.
  • Encapsulate business logic in services.
  • For the difference between service and factory, see this answer on StackOverflow, note: services and factories create a singleton
  • For session-level cache you can use $cacheFactory. This should be used to cache results from requests or heavy computations.


  • Use lower case name separated with dash and suffix tpl.html (some-page.tpl.html)
  • Use ng-bind or ng-cloak instead of simple {{ }} to prevent flashing content.
  • Avoid writing complex code in the template.
  • When you need to set the src of an image dynamically use ng-src instead of src with {{ }} template.


  • Use resolve to resolve dependencies before the view is shown.
