Kubernetes Environment Variable Extractor

This is a simple Go project that extracts environment variables from Kubernetes Deployments, ConfigMaps and Secrets YAML files. It generates a JSON file for each deployment, which can be imported into Azure app configuraations.


  • Go (v1.20 or later)
  • Kubernetes API libraries (k8s.io/api v0.27.3)
  • YAML library for Go (sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.3.0)


The project uses Go Modules for dependency management.

git clone https://github.com/philippdrebes/k8s-env-var-extractor.git
cd k8s-env-var-extractor
go build


After building the project, you can run the program by specifying the directory path that contains your Kubernetes YAML files:

./k8s-env-var-extractor <directory>

The program will recursively scan the specified directory and its subdirectories for YAML files.

For each Deployment, it will create a JSON file named after the Deployment in the out directory. The JSON file contains the environment variables for the corresponding Deployment. If an environment variable references a ConfigMap or Secret, the program resolves the reference and includes the actual value in the JSON output.

Built With


  • Philipp Drebes