Hey 👋 - I'm Philippe

💡 Passionate about technology and entrepreneurship, I love designing projects that marry ingenuity, productivity and organisation. As a self-starter, I thrive on technology watch, constantly seeking to incorporate the latest advances into my daily life. My ultimate goal is to help you unlock your full potential through technology, in a way that's both personal and pragmatic.

🚀 At DIRUPT, our mission is simple: we're here to guide you through your projects, combining solid technical expertise with an approach focused on you, our customers. Whether it's creating a website, an online shop, bespoke development, or setting up a robust IT infrastructure, we're here to support you every step of the way on this exciting journey.

📚 Aside from development, several years ago I discovered Notion, a piece of software that has become much more than a tool for me. It has become an integral part of my professional and personal life. The more I use it, the more I immerse myself in its potential, and the more I want to share this experience with you. That's why I offer complete templates, created with all the know-how I've acquired over the years, to meet the diverse needs of everyone. My experience of helping companies use Notion and creating custom templates has inspired me to help you exploit Notion's full potential.

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