
wdCalendar is a jquery based google calendar clone. Based on http://www.web-delicious.com/jquery-plugins-demo/wdCalendar/docs/index.htm

Primary LanguageJavaScript


wdCalendar is a jquery based google calendar clone. Based on http://www.web-delicious.com/jquery-plugins-demo/wdCalendar/docs/index.htm

  1. Introduction This is wdCalendar version2 and allowed to use freely (LGPL).

  2. Browsers Supported FireFox2.0+ IE6+ Opera9+ Safari3+ Chrome

  3. Installation & Usage Download the package and unzip to a directory. Copy unzipped directory to apache www directory/sub-directory. Open sample.php in your browser. -----------------------IMPORTANT!!!IMPORTANT!!!----------------- By default, events are created randomly. If you would like it work with database, please a. create a database, and execute setup.sql b. change php/dbconfig.php to fit yours c. rename edit.db.php to edit.php, php/datafeed.db.php to php/datafeed.php (you may backup edit.php/datafeed.php)

  4. About web-delicious.com We are an IT outsourcing company location in Shanghai, China. We provide end-to-end solutions in web development (Web 2.0, PHP, ASP.NET, ASP, JSP, XML, Flash), application development and IT consulting services at very reasonable price. www.web-delicious.com

5.Credits jQuery is a new kind of JavaScript Library. http://jquery.com/ wdCalendar Library. base script from http://www.web-delicious.com