
embedded-consul provides easy way to run Consul in integration tests.

Primary LanguageGroovy

Embedded Consul

Embedded Consul provides easy way to run Consul (by HashiCorp) in integration tests.

Build Status

Built on Consul 0.7.5
Compatible with jdk1.7+.
Working on all operating systems: Mac, Linux, Windows.

How to get it?

    testCompile 'com.pszymczyk.consul:embedded-consul:0.3.4'


JUnit Rule

If JUnit is on classpath, simplest way to use embedded-consul is via JUnit rules.

public class IntegrationTest {

    public static final ConsulResource consul = new ConsulResource();

    private OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

    public void shouldStartConsul() throws Throwable {
        await().atMost(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS).until(() -> {
            Request request = new Request.Builder()
                    .url("http://localhost:" + consul.getHttpPort() + "/v1/agent/self")

            return client.newCall(request).execute().code() == 200;


public class IntegrationTest {

    private ConsulProcess consul;

    public void setup() {
        consul = ConsulStarterBuilder.consulStarter().build().start();

    public void cleanup() throws Exception {

    /* tests as in example above */

Reset Consul state

The ConsulProcess can be reset at any time. Reset method do few operations:

  • removing all registered services
  • removes all registered checks
  • removes all data from kv store
  • destroy all active sessions

Invoking reset method is faster than starting new Consul process.

    consulClient.setKVBinaryValue("foo", "bar".getBytes())

    // do sth


    assert consulClient.getKVBinaryValue("foo").getValue() == null

Passing custom configuration

If you want to pass custom property which is not covered by ConsulBuilder you can pass JSON configuration:

String customConfiguration =
                "{" +
                    "\"datacenter\": \"test-dc\"," +                    
                    "\"log_level\": \"INFO\"," +
                    "\"node_name\": \"foobar\"" +

ConsulProcess consul = ConsulStarterBuilder.consulStarter().withCustomConfig(customConfiguration).build().start();    

Given JSON configuration will be saved in addition configuration file extra_config.json and processed after base configuration (with highest priority).

Changing where to download Consul

An environment variable can be set to change the consul CDN:

# default
export CONSUL_BINARY_CDN=https://releases.hashicorp.com/consul/

Files structure

    ├── embedded-consul-$consul-version
    │   ├── consul
    │   └── consul.zip
    ├── embedded-consul-data-dir + randomNumber
    │   ├── raft
    │   │   ├── peers.json
    │   │   ├── raft.db
    │   │   └── snapshots
    │   └── serf
    │       ├── local.snapshot
    │       └── remote.snapshot
    ├── embedded-consul-config-dir + randomNumber
    │   ├── basic_config.json   
    │   └── extra_config.json

To avoid unnecessary downloads Consul binary is downloaded into static named directory /$tmp/embedded-consul-$consul-version. Another stuff (ports config, raft, serf) is created in dynamically named temp directories.

At the moment files are not deleted!.

Simultaneous running

Embedded Consul overrides all default ports used by Consul. Ports are randomized so it's possible to run multiple Consul Agent instances in single machine. Configuration file is stored in /$tmp/embedded-consul-config-dir$randomNumber/basic_config.json, sample content:

        "ports": {
            "dns": 64294,
            "rpc": 64295,
            "serf_lan": 64296,
            "serf_wan": 64297,
            "server": 64298