
☕ Lelit Mara X Temperature and Shot Timer Display using an ODROID-GO

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains a MicroPython program designed to display the heat exchanger and steam boiler temperatures, along with a shot timer for the Lelit Mara X espresso machine, on an ODROID-GO.

ODROID-GO with marax-odroid-go

Installation Guide

  1. Setup your MicroPython development environment by following the official guide.
  2. Execute the upload.sh script to transfer all necessary files and connect to the REPL.
  3. Press Ctrl+D to reboot the ODROID-GO, which will then automatically launch the program.

To establish a UART connection, connect the ODROID-GO's external Pin 5 (TX) to the Mara X's Pin 3 (RX), and the ODROID-GO's external Pin 4 (RX) to the Mara X's Pin 2 (TX).

Lelit Mara X UART connection

Hardware Requirements

  • ODROID-GO - A handheld ESP32 in a GameBoy-like form factor.
  • Lelit Mara X - An espresso machine with UART connectivity.

Software Dependencies