
SVG overlay to facilitate writing SVG documents using Perl

Primary LanguagePerl


Svg::Simple - Write Scalar Vector Graphics using Perl syntax.


Write Scalar Vector Graphics using Perl syntax as in:

my $s = Svg::Simple::new();

$s->text(x=>10, y=>10,
  cdata             =>"Hello World",
  text_anchor       =>"middle",
  font_size         => 3.6,
  font_family       =>"Arial",
  fill              =>"black");

$s->circle(cx=>10, cy=>10, r=>8, stroke=>"blue", fill=>"transparent", opacity=>0.5);

say STDERR $s->print;

A - in an Scalar Vector Graphics keyword can be replaced with _ to reduce line noise.

The print method automatically creates an Scalar Vector Graphics to wrap around all the Scalar Vector Graphics statements specified. The image so created will fill all of the available space in the browser if the image is shown by itself, else it will fill all of the available space in the parent tag containing the Scalar Vector Graphics statements if the Scalar Vector Graphics is inlined in HTML .

This package automatically tracks the dimensions of the objects specified in the Scalar Vector Graphics statements and creates a viewport wide enough and high enough to display them fully in whatever space the browser allocates to the Scalar Vector Graphics image.

If you wish to set these dimensions yourself, call the print method with overriding values as in:

say STDERR $s->print(width=>2000, height=>1000);

If you wish to inline the generated html you should remove the first two lines of the generated code using a regular expression to remove the superfluous xml headers.


Write Scalar Vector Graphics using Perl syntax.

Version 20240308.

The following sections describe the methods in each functional area of this module. For an alphabetic listing of all methods by name see Index.


Construct and print a new Scalar Vector Graphics object.

new (%options)

Create a new Scalar Vector Graphics object.

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Svg options


if (1)

 {my $s = Svg::Simple::new();  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  $s->text(x=>10, y=>10,
    cdata             =>"Hello World",
    text_anchor       =>"middle",
    font_size         => 3.6,
    font_family       =>"Arial",
    fill              =>"black");

  $s->circle(cx=>10, cy=>10, r=>8, stroke=>"blue", fill=>"transparent", opacity=>0.5);

  my $t = $s->print(svg=>q(svg/new));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok($t =~ m(circle));

gridLines   ($svg, $x, $y, $g)

Draw a grid.

   Parameter  Description
1  $svg       Svg
2  $x         Maximum X
3  $y         Maximum Y
4  $g         Grid square size


if (1)
 {my $s = Svg::Simple::new(grid=>10);
  $s->rect(x=>10, y=>10, width=>40, height=>30, stroke=>"blue", fill=>'transparent');
  my $t = $s->print(svg=>q(svg/grid));
  is_deeply(scalar(split /line/, $t), 32);

print   ($svg, %options)

Print resulting Scalar Vector Graphics string.

   Parameter  Description
1  $svg       Svg
2  %options   Svg options


if (1)
 {my $s = Svg::Simple::new();

  my @d = (width=>8, height=>8, stroke=>"blue", fill=>"transparent");           # Default values
  $s->rect(x=>1, y=>1, z=>1, @d, stroke=>"blue");                               # Defined earlier  but drawn above because of z order
  $s->rect(x=>4, y=>4, z=>0, @d, stroke=>"red");

  my $t = $s->print(svg=>q(svg/rect));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply(scalar(split /rect/, $t), 3);

Utility functions

Extra features to make using Svg easier

arcPath ($svg, $N, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3)

Arc through three points along the circumference of a circle from the first point through the middle point to the last point

   Parameter  Description
1  $svg       Svg
2  $N         Number of points on path
3  $x1        Start x
4  $y1        Start y
5  $x2        Middle x
6  $y2        Middle y
7  $x3        End x
8  $y3        End y


if (1)
 {my $d = {width=>8, height=>8, stroke_width=>0.1, stroke=>"blue", fill=>"transparent"};           # Default values
  my $s = Svg::Simple::new(defaults=>$d);

  my $p = $s->arcPath(64, 1,1, 3,2, 1, 3);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  $s->path(d=>"M 1 1  $p  Z");
  $s->print(svg=>q(svg/arc1), width=>10, height=>10);

Private Methods

AUTOLOAD($svg, %options)

Scalar Vector Graphics methods.

   Parameter  Description
1  $svg       Svg object
2  %options   Options


1 arcPath - Arc through three points along the circumference of a circle from the first point through the middle point to the last point

2 AUTOLOAD - Scalar Vector Graphics methods.

3 gridLines - Draw a grid.

4 new - Create a new Scalar Vector Graphics object.

5 print - Print resulting Scalar Vector Graphics string.


This module is written in 100% Pure Perl and, thus, it is easy to read, comprehend, use, modify and install via cpan:

sudo cpan install Svg::Simple





Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Philip R Brenan.

This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.