
Integrates Spiffe and Vault to have secretless authentication

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Integrates SPIFFE SVID authentication with Hashicorp Vault to retrieve a VAULT_TOKEN.

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Example usecases

  • Read secrets from Hashicorp Vault Hashicorp Vault without providing a secret to authenticate against Hashicorp Vault. Instead we will be using a SPIFFE SVID to authenticate ourself against Hashicorp Vault.

  • Perform secretless/keyless code signing by utilizing the Hashicorp Vault Transit engine as a software defined HSM. This resolves the issue of having signing keys on a local machine as well resolves the issue of managing secrets to access the signing keys. Again we utilize the SPIFFE SVID to authenticate against Hashicorp Vault.



make build


Using the default DOCKER_HOST on your system (usually unix:///var/run/docker.sock), you can build the docker image with:

make image

Using e.g. the colima DOCKER_HOST (usually unix:///Users/marco/.colima/default/docker.sock), you can build the docker image with:

DOCKER_HOST=unix:///Users/marco/.colima/default/docker.sock make image



$ export VAULT_ADDR=http://localhost:8200
$ bin/spiffe-vault auth -role my-role
# Export following environment variable to authenticate to Hashicorp Vault


Depending on the shell you are using you can automatically export the variable.

$ export VAULT_ADDR=http://localhost:8200
$ echo "$(bin/spiffe-vault auth -role my-role)" > /tmp/spiffe-vault
$ source /tmp/spiffe-vault
$ vault kv get secrets/my-key
====== Metadata ======
Key              Value
---              -----
created_time     2021-08-24T08:20:54.925866504Z
deletion_time    n/a
destroyed        false
version          1

============= Data =============
Key                       Value
---                       -----
username                  marco
password                  Supers3cr3t!
$ vault token lookup
Key                 Value
---                 -----
accessor            rwpXIHXzbVIMN2TL25Lfssef
creation_time       1629970184
creation_ttl        1m
display_name        jwt-spiffe://dev.localhost/ns/my-app/sa/my-app-backend
entity_id           8904661e-5a9f-3af5-c269-257e8a0a31d0
expire_time         2021-08-26T09:30:44.424072877Z
explicit_max_ttl    0s
id                  s.eOdhqe1hVV0OPS7M0TSeEqjG
issue_time          2021-08-26T09:29:44.424078028Z
meta                map[role:my-role]
num_uses            0
orphan              true
path                auth/jwt/login
policies            [default my-role]
renewable           true
ttl                 13s
type                service
$ vault token renew
Key                  Value
---                  -----
token                s.f1mFvr0TdEuvmfcZT0jBLCc5
token_accessor       vxginlb81XMEIPefLpRz1P24
token_duration       1m
token_renewable      true
token_policies       ["default" "my-role"]
identity_policies    []
policies             ["default" "my-role"]
token_meta_role      my-role
$ vault token lookup
Key                  Value
---                  -----
accessor             vxginlb81XMEIPefLpRz1P24
creation_time        1629970320
creation_ttl         1m
display_name         jwt-spiffe://dev.localhost/ns/my-app/sa/my-app-backend
entity_id            8904661e-5a9f-3af5-c269-257e8a0a31d0
expire_time          2021-08-26T09:33:53.57444787Z
explicit_max_ttl     0s
id                   s.f1mFvr0TdEuvmfcZT0jBLCc5
issue_time           2021-08-26T09:32:00.135787193Z
last_renewal         2021-08-26T09:32:53.574447972Z
last_renewal_time    1629970373
meta                 map[role:my-role]
num_uses             0
orphan               true
path                 auth/jwt/login
policies             [default my-role]
renewable            true
ttl                  56s
type                 service
$ vault write transit/sign/my-key input="$(echo stuff | base64)"
Key            Value
---            -----
key_version    1
signature      vault:v1:MEUCIFAWmHPyLJ6V0mjMgqr5UnV40bkCEUEGqApcYI54VAPIAiEAqyG2VkFc2wpYs/n47mK4vgfTVbXjWJzMM7Fxr/bR7LE=
$ vault write transit/verify/my-key input="$(echo stuff | base64)" signature=vault:v1:MEUCIFAWmHPyLJ6V0mjMgqr5UnV40bkCEUEGqApcYI54VAPIAiEAqyG2VkFc2wpYs/n47mK4vgfTVbXjWJzMM7Fxr/bR7LE=
$ export VAULT_ADDR=http://localhost:8200
$ source <(bin/spiffe-vault auth -role my-role)
$ vault kv get secrets/my-key
====== Metadata ======
Key              Value
---              -----
created_time     2021-08-24T08:20:54.925866504Z
deletion_time    n/a
destroyed        false
version          1

============= Data =============
Key                       Value
---                       -----
username                  marco
password                  Supers3cr3t!
$ vault token lookup
Key                 Value
---                 -----
accessor            rwpXIHXzbVIMN2TL25Lfssef
creation_time       1629970184
creation_ttl        1m
display_name        jwt-spiffe://dev.localhost/ns/my-app/sa/my-app-backend
entity_id           8904661e-5a9f-3af5-c269-257e8a0a31d0
expire_time         2021-08-26T09:30:44.424072877Z
explicit_max_ttl    0s
id                  s.eOdhqe1hVV0OPS7M0TSeEqjG
issue_time          2021-08-26T09:29:44.424078028Z
meta                map[role:my-role]
num_uses            0
orphan              true
path                auth/jwt/login
policies            [default my-role]
renewable           true
ttl                 13s
type                service
$ vault token renew
Key                  Value
---                  -----
token                s.f1mFvr0TdEuvmfcZT0jBLCc5
token_accessor       vxginlb81XMEIPefLpRz1P24
token_duration       1m
token_renewable      true
token_policies       ["default" "my-role"]
identity_policies    []
policies             ["default" "my-role"]
token_meta_role      my-role
$ vault token lookup
Key                  Value
---                  -----
accessor             vxginlb81XMEIPefLpRz1P24
creation_time        1629970320
creation_ttl         1m
display_name         jwt-spiffe://dev.localhost/ns/my-app/sa/my-app-backend
entity_id            8904661e-5a9f-3af5-c269-257e8a0a31d0
expire_time          2021-08-26T09:33:53.57444787Z
explicit_max_ttl     0s
id                   s.f1mFvr0TdEuvmfcZT0jBLCc5
issue_time           2021-08-26T09:32:00.135787193Z
last_renewal         2021-08-26T09:32:53.574447972Z
last_renewal_time    1629970373
meta                 map[role:my-role]
num_uses             0
orphan               true
path                 auth/jwt/login
policies             [default my-role]
renewable            true
ttl                  56s
type                 service
$ vault write transit/sign/my-key input="$(echo stuff | base64)"
Key            Value
---            -----
key_version    1
signature      vault:v1:MEUCIFAWmHPyLJ6V0mjMgqr5UnV40bkCEUEGqApcYI54VAPIAiEAqyG2VkFc2wpYs/n47mK4vgfTVbXjWJzMM7Fxr/bR7LE=
$ vault write transit/verify/my-key input="$(echo stuff | base64)" signature=vault:v1:MEUCIFAWmHPyLJ6V0mjMgqr5UnV40bkCEUEGqApcYI54VAPIAiEAqyG2VkFc2wpYs/n47mK4vgfTVbXjWJzMM7Fxr/bR7LE=

See the example directory for an example infrastructure setup on Kubernetes integration the whole eco-system. This includes a Spire, Vault deployment as well utilizing spiffe-vault as en example workload.