
Divvi Up Control Plane

Primary LanguageRustMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Divvi Up API Server and web app


  • Coverage Status
  • Rust CI
  • TypeScript CI
  • Docker Build

API Specification:

Configuring and running

System requirements

Some Rust dependencies require additional system dependencies. These can be installed with your usual package manager:

  • C compiler (GCC or Clang)
  • CMake

Quick Start

This will get you up and running quickly for development purposes.

  1. Clone the repository and navigate to its root.
  2. Look over .envrc.example, then do cp .envrc.example .envrc && direnv allow .envrc
  3. Create the api_url file so the app knows where to hit the API.
    echo "$API_URL" >app/public/api_url
  4. Run a local database:
    docker run -de POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 5432:5432 postgres
  5. Migrate the database:
    cargo run -p migration -- up
  6. Start the API
    cargo run --features integration-testing
  7. In another terminal, start the react server
    cd app
    npm i && npm start
  8. Navigate to http://localhost:8081 to open the app.

When you make changes to the app, it is automatically reloaded. API changes require restart of the cargo run command.

Required environment variables

An example .envrc is provided for optional but recommended use with direnv.

  • AUTH_URL -- The Auth0-hosted base url that we use for identity
  • API_URL -- The public-facing base url for this application
  • AUTH_CLIENT_ID -- Auth0-provided client id
  • AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET -- Auth0-provided client secret
  • SESSION_SECRETS -- Comma-joined base64url-encoded, without padding, cryptographically-randomly secrets that are each at least 32 bytes long after base64url decoding. The first one will be used for new sessions.
  • AUTH_AUDIENCE -- The OAuth 2 audience, for use when authenticating users via Auth0
  • APP_URL -- The public-facing url for the associated browser client application
  • DATABASE_URL -- A libpq-compatible postgres uri
  • POSTMARK_TOKEN -- the token from the transactional stream from a postmark account
  • EMAIL_ADDRESS -- the address this deployment should send from
  • DATABASE_ENCRYPTION_KEYS -- Comma-joined url-safe-no-pad base64'ed 16 byte cryptographically-random keys. The first one will be used to encrypt aggregator API authentication tokens at rest in the database

Optional binding environment variables

  • HOST -- default "localhost", on unix-like systems, the server can also be configured to bind to bsd/berkeley sockets by setting HOST to a filesystem path, in which case PORT is ignored
  • PORT -- default 8080
  • LISTEN_FD -- if supplied on unix-like systems, if this is set to an open file descriptor number, the server will listen to that fd
  • OTEL_EXPORTER_PROMETHEUS_HOST -- default "localhost"
  • ASSET_DIR -- set this to skip building the react app and include react app assets from a different directory

Initial setup

Migrating the database

First, create the database referred to by DATABASE_URL in your environment. This may an invocation of createdb if running postgresql locally, or postgres inside of a docker container.

cargo run -p migration -- up will bring the application up to the current schema. For more options, execute cargo run -p migration -- --help.

Installing npm dependencies

$ cd app && npm ci && cd -

Running the server

This service has dependencies on several external services. In order to support development and testing, there is an api-mocks cargo feature to stub out all external services including aggregator apis, auth0, and postmark.

As such, to run a standalone development server,

$ cargo run --features api-mocks

Embedded React App

If an environment variable ASSET_DIR is available, all files in that directory will be served as a virtual host on APP_URL.

$ cd app && npm ci && npm run build && cd - && env ASSET_DIR=app/build cargo run

Security Notes

  • We do not have CSRF protections because we only accept a custom content type for non-idempotent request methods such as POST, and have constrained CORS rules.