
REST API of Yolo V3 using OpenVINO VPU (MYRIAD NCS2) for HW accelerated object recognition.

Primary LanguagePython


REST API of Yolo V3 using OpenVINO VPU (MYRIAD NCS2) for HW accelerated object recognition.

This project launch a full REST service for running YoloV3 image object recognition on a Intel® Neural Compute Stick 2 It is fully Dockerized, so just launch and use.

Yolo v3: https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/

Intel NCS2: https://software.intel.com/en-us/neural-compute-stick

YOLOv3 MYRIAD OpenVINO Docker Container Run docker run --privileged --volume=/dev:/dev -p 5000:5000 philipsoeberg/yolo-v3-ncs2 Connect to http://localhost:5000

In QNAP you must create the container from the shell. UI won't work as --volume=/dev:/dev is important! (QNAP v4.3.6.0993 (04-07-2019) on a TS-853A)

docker create --privileged --volume=/dev:/dev --restart=always -p 5000:5000 philipsoeberg/yolo-v3-ncs2

Then in QNAP UI, start new container -> settings -> autostart=true -> untick "restart on save" -> save.

❗ You cannot make changes to container in UI. It will violate the /dev:/dev mapping which is required by OpenVINO.

This project is auto-built on Dockerhub: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/philipsoeberg/yolo-v3-ncs2

 Input JSON:

   "return_original_image": false,     # optional. Returns original image after inference
   "return_marked_image": false,       # optional. Returns a marked image after inference
   "image": "base64 img",              # required. Input image to infer on. Must be base64 encoded and in a format readable by OpenCV (png, bmp, jpg,..). (is optional if return_known_classes = true)
   "image_id": <anytype>               # optional. Non-used type which is passed back in output. Useful for parallel flow-type programming
   "classes": [                        # optional. Array of classes to detect. Set to None or unset to detect all known classes.
       "person",                       #  e.g. detect 'person' at default threshold
           "class": "car",             # Required. e.g. detect 'car'. Could also be class_id (int)
           "threshold": 0.8            #   optional: threshold
           "colorbox": [R,G,B]         #   optional: see global colorbox
           "colortext": [R,G,B]        #   optional: see global colortext
       1                               #  e.g. detect class_id 2
   "return_known_classes": false,      # optional. Return an array of [class_name, class_name, ...] for all known classes with position = class_id. (is required if image is None)
   "predict_threshold": 0.6,           # optional. Prediction threshold (global). Is also lower-bound. Cannot be less than 0.1.
   "intersection_threshold": 0.4,      # optional. Intersection threshold.
   "debug": 0,                         # optional. Increase console output. 0: disable, 1:enable, 2:full output (don't ... long strings to console)
   "colorbox": [255,0,255],            # optional. Global RGB value to draw box.
   "colortext": [0,0,0],               # optional. Global RGB value to draw text.
   "ignore_box": [                     # optional. Rect to blackout before inference.
     [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax],         #           box1 xmin (left), ymin (top), xmax (right), ymax (bottom) pixels to blackout in input image before inference
     [...],                            #           box2..
   "ignore_box_return": true          # optional. Set to true to return infered image including a marked area for ignored boxes.

 Output JSON:
     "org_image": "",                  # original input image. Useful where this machine is part of a flow
     "image_id": <anytype>             # original 'image_id'. Useful for parallel flow-type programming
     "mark_image": "",                 # A marked image with class matches. In base64/jpeg format
     "predict_time": 0.5,              # Number of seconds as a float used to predict image
     "known_classes": [..]             # String array of known classes, returned if return_known_classes is set true. Position is equal class_id.
     "match": [                        # OrderedDict of class_name:class match objects. Sorted after highest confidence
             "class_id": 0,            # class_id of match
             "class_name": "person",   # class_name of match
             "confidence": 0.8,        # confidence of match
             "threshold": 0.6,         # threshold required for match
             "left": 0,                # xmin (left) rect of match-box
             "top": 0,                 # ymin (top) rect of match-box
             "right": 0,               # xmax (right) rect of match-box
             "bottom": 0               # ymax (bottom) rect of match-box
     "predict_threshold": 0.6,         # Prediction threshold used
     "intersection_threshold": 0.4     # intersection threshold used