
Minimal super fast, chat application created using Python Socket-IO, Redis, HTML-Bootstrap and JavaScript

Primary LanguageHTML

Flask Socket IO Chat 💬

A lightweight chat application I created as part of a team project coursework for University using Python, JS, Redis and Bootstrap. I have only included the parts necessary for the chat to function written by me. Other parts have mixed code with teammates and are beyond the scope of this repository.

Table of Contents

Notes 🎶

  • The whole chat frontend is contained within the chat.html page. Thanks to the power of Jinja and Javascript code is created on the fly using Macros, in this way a very small amount of code is required for each element and "pseudo" abstraction is achieved.

  • This is not a recommended approach, usually when engaging in such projects, a React alternative would be quite easier and much more efficient to implement. However, sneakily I was able to quickly build this chat application that has minimal dependencies and is extremely lightweight.

  • I have included the models.py file in order to display the way authentication is handled with a Firebase backend. As some fronted auth code is mixed with teammates I have not included it.

  • It is easy to use any form of auth, user management as all functions can be used as API's.

Demo & Functionality 🎥

Chat window

Gif displaing Chat features and UI

Multiple Users

Gif displaying multiple users

Structure 🏗️

Frontend (Main Components)

chat.html | JS needed is included within in order to minimize file dependencies. All connections and code replications required are also included within. Once a new chat is created in a functional programming manner a macro for a tab is first called, then a macro for the contents, and within that a macro for the dictionary of messages is called.

An example of the tab macro:

{% macro tab_cont(msg_dict,room_id) %}
    <div aria-labelledby="home-tab" class="tab-pane" id="tabChat-{{ room_id }}" role="tabpanel">
        <div class="bg-white">
            <div class="message-area" id="{{ room_id }}message-area">
                <div id="{{ room_id }}chat">
                    {% for item in msg_dict %}
                        {% if user_name == item['name']%}
                        {% elif 'server' == item['name']%}
                        {% else %}
                        {% endif %}
                    {% endfor %}
        <div class="input-group">
            <div class="input-group-prepend">
                <button value="{{ room_id }}" name="exit_butt" onclick="leave_room(this.value)" type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-lg rounded-0 d-none d-md-block"><i class="fa fa-close"></i>&nbsp;Exit</button>
            <input type="text" id="text{{ room_id }}" placeholder="Enter message" class="form-control rounded-0 border-0 py-4 bg-light text-break">
            <div class="input-group-append">
                <button type="button"  id="{{ room_id }}" onclick="send_message(this.id)" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg rounded-0"><i class="fa fa-paper-plane"></i></button>
{% endmacro %}

Called by passing the messages (list withing dictionary containing chats,users and messages withing list to maintain a queue), and the room id (for message management via JS).

Backend (Main Components)

File Description Example


This is the Redis interface, Redis already has a PUB/SUB method build in, but the python library is quite lacking, so I decided to rebuild the API myself with a personal touch for each method in order to maximize customizability (at the cost of some time inefficiency). I also wanted to use as much Redis functionality as possible in order to further learn it.
def create_room(self, user_id: str, user_name: str, users: list, room_name: str) -> None:
    :param user_id: the users id
    :param user_name: users name
    :param users: a list with the users to be added to the created room
    :param room_name: name for the new room
    user_rooms = list(self.get_rooms(user_id))
    # Create list for personal rooms
    personal_rooms = [room for room in user_rooms if user_id in room]
    if personal_rooms:
        # Increment to avoid naming collisions
        new_room = incr_room(personal_rooms[-1])
        new_room = user_id + '_0'

    self.add_room(user_id, new_room, room_name, user_name)
    for user in users:
        self.add_room(user, new_room, room_name)

This is how a room is created (a counter is inserted to the username when creating the room to avoid naming collisions allowing unlimited room creations).


Beyond the route management of the web app, the backend chat functionality is also stored within. A socket_manage.py instance is created here for Join, Leave etc methods to be used.
@socketio.on('join_random', namespace='/chat')
def join_random(message):
    Called when user requests to join
    :param message: {msg: "Join random request", time:current time, name:local_user}
    user_dict = session['user_dict']
    socket_man.join_random(user_dict.get('uid'), user_dict.get('name'))


Included for quick testing, contains Redis setup required to run the app. (This is the only requirement for a local setup)/td>

        image: redis:latest
            - 6379:6379
            - ./config/redis.conf:/redis.conf
        command: [ "redis-server", "/redis.conf" ]


Yaml configuration used for GCP deployment
entrypoint: gunicorn -k geventwebsocket.gunicorn.workers.GeventWebSocketWorker -w 1 main:app

Important Note for Socket IO purposes 1 Gunicorn Worker setup must be implemented

Build & Deployment 🚀

Local Run 💻

After cloning the Repo install requirements.

Important install the provided versions to avoid bugs, I found multiple incompatibilities and issues with different versions.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Deploy Redis with the included yml

docker-compose up

Run the app

python -m flask run

Note The Auth for this web app is implemented using Firebase, but the frontend is not in this repository. However, the user management class is, a simple JSON with the required parameters can be passed to mimic auth. WTF-forms can be used for a quick form before entering the Chat.

GCP ☁ ️

  • Setup Redis on GCP

  • The app.yaml Included contains the setup for interfacing Redis with App Engine, and the optimal settings to avoid a connection hassle

  • After adding authentication or dummy env variables and installing gcloud sdk simply run

    gcloud init

    Login with gcloud account

    gcloud app deploy

    after enabling App engine from GCP dashboard