
All of the programs used with Flex 6K.


All of the programs used with Flex 6K. First program named bndchg5.c is the initial program to scrape band change data for VHF/UHF bands

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Configuration files

i2cbandata Sets method of output: I2C or GPIO Binary If I2C then the /usr/local/etc/i2cbandata (do we want to keep it here??) file will contain the values for each band which will be collected and maintained by an apache app.

radioaddress Contains the IP address of the radio that will be used to collect band change data. Exists in the location /usr/local/etc/radioaddress The default file holds entries as follows: 8000 4000 2000 1000 0800 0400 0200 0100 0080 0040 0020 0010 0008 0004 0002 0001 Each entry resresents the value for VHF/UHF bands in sequence. The default values sends a single bit for it's representative band. You can modify every entry to get whatever value you desire for that band. In that way you can set BCD values, or bits for each band and additional bits for extra relay closures such as for 144 intermediate relay closure in addition to the 28 relay.

file1 This is a file used to pass information between the program and the outside world. The web interface will place a q at the begining of this file to tell the program to quit. Placing a 1 in the seond position of the file will output the entire result of every subscription from the radio. Placing a 2 in the second position outputs some diagnostic for the band integer value.

bndchg.log This log file is automatically created and will report date/time for every band change as well as action and error numbering as follows:

Normal reporting numbers: -1 Successful open of i2c -2 Successful acquire of bus / slave in i2c -3 Past prepare_pins(). -4 Past setup of socket connection -5 Past subscription send -6 Past replying with subscription request -99 Normal request to end program.

Error numbers in bndchg.log (located in /var/log) -102 Couldn't open i2cbandata file -103 Failed to acquire bus access and/or talk to slave (i2c). -106 Error reading from socket; while in main loop Starting batch file 'bnd' located in /usr/local/bin Another 'stopbnd' located in /usr/local/bin