This is a GISAID downloader to retrieve all EpiCoV sequences and the table. The script utilizes Selenium to acess the GISAID website through a Firefox webdriver.
Following python libraries are required for the downloader:
- selenium
- geckodriver
- firefox
Below is an example of installation using conda:
$ conda install -c conda-forge selenium geckodriver firefox
The username (-u) and password (-p) are required arguments for the script. If you do not specify a range of submission and/or collection dates, the nextfasta and nextmeta provided in GISAID/EpiCoV/Downloads will be downloaded.
Downloading nextfasta and nextmeta provided in GISAID/EpiCoV/Downloads:
./ -u $UNAME -p $PASSWD
Downloading sequences and acknowledgement table for high quality genomes collected between 2019-12-26 and 2019-12-30:
./ -u $UNAME -p $PASSWD -cs 2019-12-26 -ce 2019-12-30 -hc -le -cg
Downloading sequences and acknowledgement table for genomes collected between from the USA:
./ -u $UNAME -p $PASSWD -ss 2019-12-26 -se 2019-12-30 -l USA
usage: [-h] -u [STR] -p [STR] [-o [STR]]
[-l [STR]] [-ht [STR]] [-cs [YYYY-MM-DD]]
[-ce [YYYY-MM-DD]] [-ss [YYYY-MM-DD]]
[-se [YYYY-MM-DD]] [-cg] [-hc] [-le]
[-t [INT]] [-r [INT]] [-i [INT]] [-m]
Download EpiCoV sequences from GISAID
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u [STR], --username [STR]
GISAID username
-p [STR], --password [STR]
GISAID password
-o [STR], --outdir [STR]
Output directory
-l [STR], --location [STR]
sample location
-ht [STR], --host [STR]
Specify a host of the sample. Default is human.
-cs [YYYY-MM-DD], --colstart [YYYY-MM-DD]
collection starts date
-ce [YYYY-MM-DD], --colend [YYYY-MM-DD]
collection ends date
-ss [YYYY-MM-DD], --substart [YYYY-MM-DD]
submitssion starts date
-se [YYYY-MM-DD], --subend [YYYY-MM-DD]
submitssion ends date
-cg, --complete complete genome only
-hc, --highcoverage high coverage only
-le, --lowcoverageExcl
low coverage excluding
-t [INT], --timeout [INT]
set action timeout seconds. Default is 90 secs.
-r [INT], --retry [INT]
retry how many times when the action fails. Default is
5 times.
-i [INT], --interval [INT]
time interval between retries in second(s). Default is
3 seconds.
-m, --meta download detail metadata (experimental, very slow)
--normal run firefox in normal mode.