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ScalaTest Plus Play

ScalaTest + Play provides integration support between ScalaTest and Play Framework.


To use it, please add the following dependency to your project's build.sbt or project/Build.scala file:

"" %% "scalatestplus-play" % "{VERSION}" % "test"

Where version is one of the listed below, according to your needs.


Release Play Scalatest Documentation
4.0.0 2.7.0 3.0.x docs
3.1.x 2.6.x 3.0.x docs
3.0.x 2.6.x 3.0.x docs
2.0.x 2.5.x 3.0.x docs
1.5.x 2.5.x 2.2.x docs
1.4.x 2.4.x 2.2.x docs
1.3.x 2.2.x 2.2.x docs
  • Release Candidate: these releases are not stable and should not used in be production.


The following tips may be useful for all welcome contributions:

  • Raise a Pull Request against the relevant branch
  • The Pull Request will be validated & tested in Travis-CI
  • Builds which don't meet the style guidelines will fail, we recommend running sbt validateCode before pushing
  • Please use descriptive commit messages

See more details here.


ScalaTest Plus Play is licensed under the Apache license, version 2. See the LICENSE.txt file for more information.