
Dockerized Git deploy through SSH service, built on top of official Ubuntu trusty image. It uses git 'post-receive' hook and provides nice colored logs for each pushed commit.

Primary LanguageShell

Docker Git Deploy Docker repo

Dockerized Git deploy through SSH service, built on top of official Ubuntu trusty image. It uses git 'post-receive' hook and provides nice colored logs for each pushed commit.

Accepts an IN, BRANCH_*, USER and PUBLIC_KEY settings through environment variables, if the git history doesn't matter to you, pass only the BRANCH_* and PUBLIC_KEY settings, which aren't optional

This Dockerized image doesn't allow plain text logins, can only connect to it through the use of a public RSA key.


USER = git # The user used in the git push
PUBLIC_KEY = "" # Your mounted public key path inside the container
IN = "" # The folder that holds the git bare repo
BRANCH_* = "" # The folder that receives the git checkout depending on the name of the variable
# use BRANCH_MASTER="/out" for example, or BRANCH_TESTING="/testout"


$ docker run -d \
    -p 1234:22 \
    --name deploy \
    -e PUBLIC_KEY="/id_rsa.pub" \
    -v ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub:/id_rsa.pub \
    -e BRANCH_TRUSTY="/out" \
    -e BRANCH_MASTER="/out" \
    -v /var/www:/out \
    -e IN="/in" \


NOTE: You can use -e PUBLIC_KEY="$(echo ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub)" as well and drop the -v part of the public key


git remote add upstream ssh://docker@yourhost:1234/in # or /home/git/repo.git by default
git commit -m "Behold!"
git push upstream master

Get logs (with colors!)

$ docker logs deploy
[+] 2014-09-18T11:36:05Z: Using branches:
         - BRANCH_TRUSTY=/out
         - BRANCH_MASTER=/out

[+] 2014-09-18T11:36:05Z: Reading public key mount
[+] 2014-09-18T11:36:05Z: Created user docker
[+] 2014-09-18T11:36:05Z: Using existing path
Initialized empty shared Git repository in /in/
[+] 2014-09-18T11:36:05Z: Deploy using this git remote url: ssh://docker@host:port/in
Server listening on port 22.
Server listening on :: port 22.
Accepted publickey for docker from port 35341 ssh2: RSA 79:4f:46:33:1f:39:25:6d:0d:37:e1:e0:d2:42:5c:0e
[^] 2014-09-18T11:36:05Z: Updated sources on BRANCH_TRUSTY:/out
trusty a4f9d05 - Paulo Cesar, 27 hours ago: README
Received disconnect from 11: disconnected by user
Accepted publickey for docker from port 35344 ssh2: RSA 79:4f:46:33:1f:39:25:6d:0d:37:e1:e0:d2:42:5c:0e
[^] 2014-09-18T11:36:05Z: Updated sources on BRANCH_MASTER:/out
master a4f9d05 - Paulo Cesar, 27 hours ago: README
Received disconnect from 11: disconnected by user


You can inject your bash scripts into the post-receive hook by mounting your script to -v /var/some/script.sh:/userscript. It can be anything, like set folder / file permissions, execute npm install, bower install etc. and any type of language (if you install the needed binaries of course).

You can also use echo "hello world" >> $MEM_LOG to output stuff to the docker log from any of your scripts. Be aware that the user script will be called everytime there's a push.

The same goes for the setup script, in -v /var/some/script.sh:/setup, it will be called once the container is ran. Useful to install extra software you may need (like ruby, node, jekyll). Please note that those tools are ran inside the container, and you may only output or use the BRANCH_* environment variables to execute your commands. Eg.:


# this is /setup

apt-get -y -qq install nodejs
wget http://example.com/something.js > "$BRANCH_MASTER/something.js"
echo "something.js downloaded" >> $MEM_LOG # goes to docker logs
#!/usr/bin/env nodejs

// this is /userscript

    path = require('path'), fs = require('fs');

# process.argv[1] === branch
# process.argv[2] === gitref

if (process.argv[1] === 'master') {
    fs.chmodSync(path.join(process.env.BRANCH_MASTER, 'cache'), '0774');