Azure Humio observability sample app

The purpose of this repository is to evaluate Humio's ability to ingest logs from APIs deployed in Azure Kubernetes Service.



  • .NET Core SDK 2.1
  • An Azure account


  • Download and install Docker for Mac
  • Preferences -> Kubernetes -> Enable Kubernetes


  • You're on your own. Probably Docker and Minikube

Setup steps

Create a resource group

Note, you may want to alter the names of all the Azure resources created.

az login
az group create --name=humio-observability-sample-group --location=ukwest

Create an Azure Kubernetes Cluster, deploy a web API and install the humio agent

Create the cluster.

az aks create --resource-group humio-observability-sample-group --name humio-observability-aks-cluster --node-count 1

Install the Azure Kubernetes Service Command Line Interface if you have not already.

az aks install-cli

Configure kubectl to connect to your cluster.

az aks get-credentials --resource-group humio-observability-sample-group --name humio-observability-aks-cluster --overwrite-existing

Install Helm and give it access to the default namespace.

brew install kubernetes-helm
kubectl create -f rbac-config.yml
helm init --service-account tiller

Deploy the Humio agent. Add your ingest token into the command.

helm install stable/fluent-bit --name=humio-agent --set[YourIngestToken] -f humio-agent.yml

Deploy the API.

kubectl apply -f deployment.yml
# or in the WebApi folder

Wait for public IP.

kubectl get service observability-sample-service --watch

Once the public IP appears you can access the API in your browser. https://[[PublicIP]]:4000/api/dog
