
Zusammenfassung des Papers "Computer Vision for Music Identification" von Ke, Hoiem und Sukthankar, 2005

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT


As part of the Machine Learning Module from the CAS Machine Inteligence education at ZHAW, I wrote a summary paper in german about "Computer Vision for Music Identification" (Ke, Hoiem, Sukthankar).

Based on pandoc / bibtex document template from Marcel Canclini.


  • pandoc
  • TeX distribution (only for PDF)
  • bibtex file (generated with Zotero)
  • Sublime Text 3 (ST3)
    • Markdown Extended
    • CiteBibtex
    • Pandoc


in SublimeText 3:

  • F10 shows the entries from the bibtex.bib
  • "CiteBibtex: extract citations in current file" -> extracts the used citations and stores them in a local bibex file
  • "Pandoc" -> "PDF" creates the PDF file from the markdown file

on the command line run the following command to create the PDF document from the markdown file:

pandoc summary_RNN_Marcel_Canclini.mdown --latex-engine=xelatex --filter pandoc-citeproc -o Recurrent\ Neural\ Networks\ \(Marcel_Canclini\).pdf