- 2
Support Capybara >= 3.37
#73 opened by wintersolutions - 7
- 2
- 4
- 2
Net::HTTP::Persistent::Error: too many connection resets (due to closed stream - IOError) after 0 requests on 70134061992860, last used 4.616483 seconds ago
#60 opened by palexvs - 0
- 13
Accessing popup windows
#35 opened by mmrobins - 3
1.1.0 of this gem downgraded capybara
#56 opened by tamird - 3
Should demand Capybara 2.1 is used
#51 opened by mvz - 3
Incompatibility with capybara-email gem
#36 opened by sreid99 - 2
Turning Off SSL
#34 opened by conatus - 5
Mechanize is used in no @mechinize scenario
#8 opened by petRUShka - 3
Support for attach_file?
#41 opened by woods - 5
Support for capturing exceptions / HTTP 401
#46 opened by chalmagean - 8
Mechanize returns first form value instead of last when they have the same name
#52 opened by ryansch - 1
Capybara 2.1 support
#48 opened by aaronchi - 3
- 2
Issue with capybara 1.1.2
#29 opened by cj - 1
- 1
Running `rake db:create` throws up an `undefined method `today' for Date:Class (NoMethodError)`
#45 opened by emmanne08 - 1
Capybara 2.0 Support
#42 opened by aaronchi - 7
Relative URL's not working correctly
#19 opened by mobzilla - 1
Incompatible with Mechanize 2.1
#28 opened by robolson - 3
- 4
- 1
All steps are passing but scenarios fail
#21 opened by marnen - 4
- 6
- 2
- 1
bundle install fails with ruby 1.9
#5 opened by petRUShka - 7
- 7