
solutions for advent of code in awk

Primary LanguageAwk

                      solutions for aoc in awk

Each directory contains the daily solutions for the yearly aoc event.
The solution for part 1 of day 01 puzzle from 2019 is {2019/day01a}.
The solution for part 2 of day 03 puzzle from 2020 is {2020/day03b}.
The input for day 05 puzzle from 2019 is {2019/day05.in}.
And so on.

Each directory contains a README file describing each puzzle and
providing the expected output for each puzzle, when run via time(1)
and given its respective input.  Most solutions were run on OpenBSD
awk(1); but some of them, for performance reasons, were run on GNU

Problems involving md5 (2015/day04* and 2016/day05*) are ignored.
If you want md5 implemented in awk for the purposes of the Advent
of Code, check [1] and [2].

[1]: https://kaworu.ch/blog/2017/05/23/implementing-md5-in-AWK/
[2]: https://github.com/kAworu/adventofcode-2015

See also the following aoc solutions in awk by other people:
• https://github.com/kAworu/adventofcode-2015https://github.com/patsie75/aochttps://github.com/izabera/aoc2020https://github.com/bewuethr/advent-of-code/tree/master/2016https://github.com/bfdill/advent_of_codehttps://github.com/juntuu/advent_of_code_2020https://git.sr.ht/~ft/aoc