
Focus window, workspace or monitor by direction or cycle through them.

Primary LanguageC


focus is a collection of utilities that change the focus of windows,
workspaces or monitors.

§ Files

The files are:

• ./README:     This file.
• ./Makefile:   The makefile.
• ./config.mk:  The setup for the makefile.
• ./focusws.1:  The manual file (man page) for focusws.
• ./focusws.c:  The source code of focusws.
• ./focusmon.1: The manual file (man page) for focusmon.
• ./focusmon.c: The source code of focusmon.
• ./focuswin.1: The manual file (man page) for focuswin.
• ./focuswin.c: The source code of focuswin.
• ./util.*:     The source code of common functions, macros and global variables.

§ Installation

First, edit ./config.mk to match your local setup.

In order to build focus you need the Xlib and the Xinorama header
files.  Enter the following command to build focus.  This command
creates the binary files ./focusws, ./focusmon and ./focuswin.


By default, focus are installed into the /usr/local/ prefix.  Enter the
following command to install focus (if necessary as root).  This command
installs the binary files into the ${PREFIX}/bin/ directory, and the
manual files into ${MANPREFIX}/man1/ directory.

	make install

§ Running focus

There are three utilities in focus:
• focuswin (focus windows).
• focusws  (focus workspaces).
• focusmon (focus monitors).

To run one of the focus utilities, call them with the argument “next”,
“prev”, “left”, “right”, “up”, “down” in order to focus the workspace,
monitor or window in the given direction.  For example, the following
command focus the window on the left.

	$ focuswin left

Providing a number N in place of a direction focus the N-th workspace,
monitor or window.  For example, the following command focus the third

	$ focusmon 3

With focusws, you can use the option -p to ignore workspaces without a
window.  For example, the following command focus the next workspace
containing a window.

	$ focusws -p next

The “prev” and “next” directions “cycles” through the workspaces,
monitors or windows.  That means that if it reaches the end of the
workspace list, it continues from the beginning.

Those utilities depend on a EWMH-compliant workspace.

§ License

This software is in the public domain and is provided AS IS, with NO WARRANTY.