Activebrain Server

This is the project for the server that handles the following responsibilities:

  • Webserver for static content like client code
  • Authenticates users
  • Gathers results from client side tests
  • Tracks user sessions

This application is best deployed as a container using the docker compose. The server relies on redis to maintain the session data as it is short lived.


  • docker
  • git

Initial configuration

Skip this step if you are just upgrading an existing installation

Execute these commands to create the directories and dependencies:

mkdir -p /data/results
echo "username:password" > /data/accounts

sudo docker run -d --restart always --name redis redis

Create User Accounts

To create user accounts that allow users to execute tests add them to the /data/accounts file. Username and passwords are seperated by a ":". Each pair must reside on it's own line.



Upgrade / Run Server

To run the full fledged server and client execute the commands below on the docker host:

cd /tmp
rm -rf active*
git clone
git clone
cp -R active_brain/* activebrain/web/

cd activebrain
sudo docker build -t phillipcouto/activebrain .
sudo docker rm -f activebrain
sudo docker run -d --restart always -p 80:80 --name activebrain --link redis:redis -p 443:443 -v /data:/data phillipcouto/activebrain ./app -http ":80" -accounts "/data/accounts" -results "/data/results"

# To run the server with HTTPS
# Move the private key into the /data folder and make sure the private key name
# and certificate name match the path defined in the command below.
sudo docker run -d --restart always -p 80:80 --name activebrain --link redis:redis -p 443:443 -v /data:/data phillipcouto/activebrain ./app -http ":80" -https ":443" -accounts "/data/accounts" -results "/data/results" -key "/data/private.key" -cert "/data/public.crt"