
A Django-based online gift recommendation service developed for the 2018-2019 TYE Seattle competition.

Primary LanguageCSS

Build Status
Development: Development Build Status

Forgyft was an online gift recommendation service developed by Phillip Cutter, Sohum Sanu, Rohan Ganesh, Dhriti Roy, and Aditya Rao for the 2018-2019 TYE Seattle competition.

This project was featured on Seattle's King 5 News in a TV interview.


Ensure you are running an AMQP backend server locally, RabbitMQ is a great choice. Then make sure the url to conncet to it is in CELERY_BROKER_URL in forgyft/settings.py under the if DEBUG: section.'

You can start a worker with this command:

celery -A forgyft worker -l info



docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml up --build