
ACCESS - A Computer Controlled Electronic Spread Sheet.

Primary LanguageBASIC


A Computer Controlled Electronic Spread Sheet

For the Commodore 64 with Simons' BASIC

ACCESS is the premier spreadsheet software package for the Commodore 64 personal computer. Written in fast* Commodore BASIC with Simons' BASIC extension, you'll be blown away by the extensive features and powerful numeric calculation capabilities.

*when running with VICE Warp mode


I'd seen Lotus 1-2-3 at College and thought it was quite cool, so I thought I'd write something similar on my C64 for my UK Computer Studies A-level project.

I had a whole school year to complete the project, but 95% of the progarm was written over one crunch-mode weekend, ahead of the Monday morning hand-in deadline. I started working after school on Friday night and didn't stop until Monday morning.

There's nothing like a deadline to concentrate the mind. I remember the sun going down, coming back up again...go down...come up...etc. I got angry at one point and ripped the curtains off the curtain rail, which didn't help reflections on the telly I was using.

But most importantly, I passed the A-Level :-)

ACCESS Key Features

  • Formula calualation
  • Absolute and Relative copying to multiple cells
  • 72-column mode (12 columns x 6 chars) using a moving viewport
  • Load and Save data files to disk (tested on 1541, examples included)
  • Hardcopy to printer (tested on MPS801, example included)
  • Ability to change background colour and display significant digits
  • Online command help
  • Other stuff I can't rememeber (it was 30-odd years ago)

Getting Started

Start-up VICE C64 emulator and attach Simons' BASIC cartridge:

Attach the ACCESS D64 disk image:

Review the disk contents, load and run ACCESS: (Files starting with a left arrow are ACCESS example spreadsheet files. Spelling & Maths is a bonus program!)

Marvel at the exquisite Title Screen:

Read the Instructions, for details, view the source code (ACCESS_listing.bas):

Using F1 to move the command highlight and F7 to select it. Use FILE to open an example spreadsheet:

Move the selected cell highlight around and view the contents of the cells, the example below shows ENTRY: @+D06*%15@24.075, where 1st @ signifies a formula, D06 is a cell reference, *%15 multiplies D06 by 15/100 and the @24.075 is the previously calculate value. View the source code to identify formulae are available.

Dump your wonderful spreadsheet to a printer via VICE peripheral settings, default settings should work.

Phillip Eaton 2022-06-09