
Truffle Drizzle Blockchain app for storing Prayers on the blockchain

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The Prayer Contract

This repo is for a Decentralized Application (dApp) where uses can submit Prayers at only the cost of gas. There after others can join in Prayer by essentially incrementing the prayer count thereby giving an indication of how many times people have payed this prayer. The originator of the prayer can at any time mark the prayer as answered which allows for people to see how long it took to find the answer to this prayer.

Getting Started

Running the dApp locally requires a test node that has accounts with ether. The ether will only be for the gas costs. The dApp also assumes a metamask extension in the browser from which the dApp is called.


Genache is preferred over testrpc

Node.Js, Truffle, Genache-cli, npm or yarn


npm install or yarn install

The Prayer Contract

Firstly open either Ganache GUI or Ganache-cli at port 9545.

To run Ganache-cli

ganache-cli -p 9545

To deploy the contracts, use:

truffle migrate

Front end

Then load up the app with

npm start

Running the tests

npm test

Built With

  • Truffle - Tooling suite for Solidity
  • React - A front end JS framework for app development
  • ReactStrap - Easy to use React Bootstrap 4 components


  • Phillip Gibb - Gmail [ETH Address : 0x61715B3C0DDCA7ED8B3c525C0bDe87d33826698f]


This project is licensed under the GNU License - see the LICENSE.md file for details