Prepare data/folder properly to evaluate labels2photos-on-cityscapes
alchemz opened this issue · 6 comments
Hi everyone,
I would like to implement the section of evaluating labels2photos-on-cityscapes.
But got very confused of what are the --cityscapes_dir, --result_dir, --output_dir
What I have now:
--cityscapes_dir: original cityscape images 256x256 without semantic map
--result_dir: predictions of generated street view images 256x256 without semantic map
--output_dir: evaluation_results.txt with on content.
I got the following as result, which does not look right at all. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the above data/folder preparation?
Mean pixel accuracy: 0.000000
Mean class accuracy: 0.000000
Mean class IoU: 0.000000
************ Per class numbers below ************
road : acc = 0.000000, iou = 0.000000
sidewalk : acc = 0.000000, iou = 0.000000
building : acc = 0.000000, iou = 0.000000
wall : acc = 0.000000, iou = 0.000000
fence : acc = 0.000000, iou = 0.000000
pole : acc = 0.000000, iou = 0.000000
traffic light : acc = 0.000000, iou = 0.000000
traffic sign : acc = 0.000000, iou = 0.000000
vegetation : acc = 0.000000, iou = 0.000000
terrain : acc = 0.000000, iou = 0.000000
sky : acc = 0.000000, iou = 0.000000
person : acc = 0.000000, iou = 0.000000
rider : acc = 0.000000, iou = 0.000000
car : acc = 0.000000, iou = 0.000000
truck : acc = 0.000000, iou = 0.000000
bus : acc = 0.000000, iou = 0.000000
train : acc = 0.000000, iou = 0.000000
motorcycle : acc = 0.000000, iou = 0.000000
bicycle : acc = 0.000000, iou = 0.000000
you should point cityscapes_dir
to the root cityscapes directory which has subfolders for the frames as well as the semantic maps.
@tinghuiz Thank you very much for the reply.
The following is my current directory structure.
├── evaluated_results
│ └── evaluation_results.txt
├── original_cityscapes
│ ├── real_frames
│ │ ├── 10_real_B.png
│ │ └── 1_real_B.png
│ └── real_maps
│ ├── 10_real_A.png
│ └── 1_real_A.png
└── predicted_cityscapes
└── fake_frames
├── 10_fake_B.png
└── 1_fake_B.png
--cityscapes_dir == original_cityscapes
--result_dir == predicted_cityscapes
--output_dir == evaluated_results
I wonder if I need to change code somewhere to load the folders properly.
I do know how to change the script to load the images properly
Are your predictions following the original Cityscapes naming convention (e.g., frankfurt_000001_038418_leftImg8bit.png
you also shouldn't change the names of the original frames and maps.