Headless TFE website build with Nuxt.js

📦 Requirments

🐎 QuickStart


  1. type in the terminal:

    # install dependencies
    $ yarn
    # served at localhost:3000
    $ yarn dev
  2. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000

Extra plugins


Because there is no backend integration all deploys are automated with a CI build and pushed to AWS.

Build can be triggerd in 3 ways:

  • Merge requests (master needs aproval from Maintainer)
  • Webhook trigger from CMS
  • Manual CI build

🌎 Browser support

  • Chrome
  • Edge (Chrome)
  • Firefox (not officially supported but because of ❤️)
  • IE11 (🤮)
  • Safari

🔗 Url's