Selenium Automated Framework for Everyone aka SAFE. This project requires maven, eclipse, and the TestNG extension for eclipse.

Primary LanguageJava

Project Details


Selenium Automated Framework for Everyone

Automated Framework that utilizes Selenium WebDriver, Selenide, TestNG, Allure Reports, and Maven. This repo provides a quick and easy way of getting an Automated Framework up and running. This project requires maven, eclipse, and the TestNG extension for eclipse.

Initial Setup

After downloading and setting up Maven, clone the SAFE repo from gitHub.

Once that is finished downloading, extract it to the desired file location.

Navigate into the folder and change the file paths in the following locations to the file path of your SAFE folder

		Line 84: <suiteXmlFile><Drive:>/SAFE/CurrentTestPlan/testng.xml</suiteXmlFile>
		Line 72: System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "<Drive:>\\SAFE\\3rdParty\\chromedriver-win32-2.21\\chromedriver.exe");
		Line 77: System.setProperty("webdriver.ie.driver", "<Drive:>\\SAFE\\3rdParty\\IEDriverServer_win32_2.52.0\\IEDriverServer.exe");
	-\SAFE\Scripts\forWindows\BatchScripts\runTestPlan.bat (Windows users only! Sorry Mac users...)
		Find and Replace all instances of C: with <Drive:>
	-\SAFE\Scripts\forWindows\BatchScripts\SAFE.bat (Windows users only! Sorry Mac users...)
		Change cd C:\SAFE to <Drive:>\SAFE
	-\SAFE\Scripts\forWindows\BatchScripts\runTestPlan.bat (Windows users only! Sorry Mac users...)
		Add <Drive:> to the top of the file

Verify JDK is configured correctly as an environment variable, run as configuration for eclipse, and build path for eclipse.

Create the following xml files within the SAFE root folder.


Note: Right click on project -> Hover over Maven -> Click Update Project

Task Scheduler Setup (Windows Only)

Setting Up a Task
	1. Open the Task Scheduler
	2. Select Create Task from the Actions bar on the right side of the window
	3. Enter a Name and Description for the task
	4. Navigate to the Triggers tab
	5. Click New
	6. Choose a schedule for the task.
	7. Click OK
	8. Navigate to the Actions tab
	9. Click New
	10. Click the Browse button
	11. Navigate to <Drive:>/SAFE/Scripts/forWindows/BatchScripts
	12. Select runTestPlan.bat and click Open
	13. Enter "<Test_Plan_Name>.xml" into the Add arguments text box.
	14. Click OK
	15. Click OK
Verifying the Task was Created
	1. Click on the arrow next to Task Scheduler Library
	2. Scroll through top menu and the test should be listed.

Updating (If you can't sync a directory with github.)

To update, clone the latest patch from gitHub. Copy and replace the following folders:


Navigate into the folder and change the file paths in the following locations to the file path of your Selenium folder

		Line 72: System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "<Drive:>\\SAFE\\3rdParty\\chromedriver-win32-2.21\\chromedriver.exe");
		Line 77: System.setProperty("webdriver.ie.driver", "<Drive:>\\SAFE\\3rdParty\\IEDriverServer_win32_2.52.0\\IEDriverServer.exe");

The Automated tests should now be updated.

Running tests from cmd via batch scripts (Windows Only)

To run the test from the server enter these commands into a command prompt that is in administrator mode:

	1. <drive>:
	2. cd <drive>:\SAFE\Scripts\forWindows\BatchScripts
	3. runTestPlan.bat SmokeTests.xml

After tests are finished, verify the Test Plan completed successfully by following these steps:

	1. Open the newest folder in <drive>:\SAFE\logs\archivedLogs
	2. Open /allure-reports/index.html