Install Webstorm on Pop!_os

Not too straight forward. The download page says to extract the tar within an empty directory, but the actual documentation recommends to point to the /opt directory. If you extract it and then run it from where you extracted it, then webstorm cannot be moved without having to update various files that depend on the file path e.g. .desktop file.

Recommended Install Process

Unpack the WebStorm-*.tar.gz file you have downloaded to a different folder if your current Downloads folder doesn't support file execution:

tar xfz WebStorm-\*.tar.gz <new_archive_folder>

The recommended install location according to the filesystem hierarchy standard (FHS) is /opt. To install WebStorm into this directory, type the following command:

sudo tar xfz WebStorm-\*.tar.gz -C /opt/

Switch to the bin subdirectory:

cd opt/WebStorm-\*/bin

Run from the bin subdirectory.

Helpful Links

Linux | How to create a desktop shortcut 😄