
OpenSprinkler custom component for Home Assistant

Primary LanguagePython

OpenSprinkler component for Home Assistant

My first attempt to create a custom component on Home Assistant.


Click on a sensor to show all the correspondent data (see screenshots) Uses HA CUSTOM-UI for live display of water durations (see screenshots)

  • Rain delay status and time
  • Stations and pumps
  • Schedules
  • Last run


Uses HA CUSTOM-UI for display buttons on custom states cards

  • Manual run / stop stations
  • Manual run programs


  • Planning to integrate this parse https://github.com/dethpickle/python-opensprinkler
  • If you use this component, please give me your feedback. Im new to HA DEV enviroment and had to do few bad practices to acomplish the desire results. Here is some:
  • dummy input_text used as data transfer between custom ui state card and custom scene component
  • both controller state cards should be merged into one.
  • not sure if using scenes to handle all the controller's logic is the right way to do.


  • Require Home Assistant CUSTOM-UI https://github.com/andrey-git/home-assistant-custom-ui installed
  • The component already set state-card-custom-ui. No need to set in customizer.
  • Copy custom_components folder contents to your home assistant custom_components folder
  • Copy both www\custom_ui\custom state cards to your home assistant www\custom_ui\ folder


in your configuration.yaml load the custom states cards

    - /local/custom_ui/state-card-custom-ui.html
    - /local/custom_ui/state-card-opensprinkler-control-station.html
    - /local/custom_ui/state-card-opensprinkler-control-program.html
    - /local/custom_ui/state-card-custom-ui-es5.html

  host: ''
  port: 8080
  password: 'passwd-md5-hash'

in your sensor.yaml select the sensors to monitor

- platform: opensprinkler
    - opensprinkler_station
    - opensprinkler_schedule
    - opensprinkler_lastrun
    - opensprinkler_rain

in your input_text.yaml This is temporary solution, the controller needs to send data from custom ui to the custom scene component. I couldn't figure out yet how to do this, so Im using this input_text as a workaround for now. You can customize it with visible = 'true' so it doesn't show up.

    initial: 'off:1'

Add them all, the component will hide any disabled stations / programs. in your group.yaml

    name: 'Open Sprinkler'
    control: hidden
      - sensor.os_lastrun
      - sensor.os_rain
      - sensor.os_schedule_1
      - sensor.os_schedule_2
      - sensor.os_schedule_3
      - sensor.os_schedule_4
        #continue with all your schedules
      - sensor.os_station_1
      - sensor.os_station_2
      - sensor.os_station_3
      - sensor.os_station_4
      - sensor.os_station_5
      - sensor.os_station_6
      - sensor.os_station_7
      - sensor.os_station_8
      - sensor.os_pump_1
      - sensor.os_pump_2

    name: 'Open Sprinkler controller'
    control: hidden
      - scene.os_program_1
      - scene.os_program_2
      - scene.os_program_3
      - scene.os_program_4
      #continue with all your schedules
      - scene.os_station_1
      - scene.os_station_2
      - scene.os_station_3
      - scene.os_station_4
      - scene.os_station_5
      - scene.os_station_6
      - scene.os_station_7
      - scene.os_station_8


pic1 pic2 pic3 pic4 pic5 pic6 pic7 pic8