
JSON Data To HTML Table. An Example of Lightweight jQuery Plugin for Beginners

Primary LanguageHTML

JSON to HTML Table

JSON Data To HTML Table is Example of Lightweight jQuery Plugin for Beginners. Though this is not a datatable, you can modify this plugin and customize it to make your own datatable. This is an example to make an HTML table with JSON data.

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Current Version

Version 1.0.1

This project was forked from https://github.com/shahnewazshamim/json-to-table to include new features.

You can download the latest or current stable version from here (recommended) or download it form master branch (not recommended).


Git Clone:



1- Add jQuery

<script src="jQuery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>

2- Add JSON-to-Table pluging Using Production version JSON-to-Table.min.1.0.1.js

<script src="JSON-to-Table.min.1.0.1.js"></script>

Or Development version JSON-to-Table-1.0.1.js

<script src="JSON-to-Table-1.0.1.js"></script>

How to use

Just call createTable method in your document ready function with your json data object.

$('your-selector').createTable(data, optionsObject);

Property (optionsObject) Definition

Table properties

  • showTableRowNumber

    Display the first column as counter. Default: false

    Ex: showTableRowNumber: true

  • rowNumberInitialValue

    If you would like start with row number 9 set it. Otherwise let default as 1. Default: 1

    Ex: rowNumberInitialValue: 101

  • parser

    Custom function to parse data values. Default: none

    Ex: parser: function(rowIdx, colIdx, value, isHead) { /* function scope */ return value; }

  • parserCols

    Array of columns names to execute the parser function. If ommited, the parser run on all fields. Default: all cells, except header and rowNumbers.

    Ex: parserCols: ['column1','column2']

  • parseHeader

    Enable parsing on header cells Default: false

    Ex: parseHeader: true

  • parseRowNumber

    Enable parsing on rowNumber cells Default: false

    Ex: parseRowNumber: true

  • showTitle

    Enable table title at the top Default: false

    Ex: showTitle: true

  • titleText

    Text to display in the title Default: Will show the number of records. 'n records'

    Ex: titleText: 'My awesome table title'

  • titleAlign

    Set the alignment of the title. ('left' | 'center' | 'right') Default: 'center'

    Ex: titleAlign: 'left'

  • showFooter

    Enable table footer at the bottom Default: false

    Ex: showFooter: true

  • footerText

    Text to display in the footer Default: Will show the number of records. 'n records'

    Ex: footerText: 'My awesome table footer'

  • footerAlign

    Set the alignment of the footer. ('left' | 'center' | 'right') Default: 'center'

    Ex: footerAlign: 'left'

  • debug

    Show all indexes on all cells Default: false

    Ex: debug: true

Every single value of these properties is similar to CSS property value.

  • colsSameWidh

    Set all table columns with same widht Default: false

    Ex: `colsSameWidh: true

  • width

    Set table width. Any css unit can be used like '%', 'px', 'em' Default: '100%'

    Ex: width: '1200px'

  • borderWidth

    Defines to control table and it's all rows and columns border width.

    Ex: borderWidth: '1px'

  • borderStyle

    Defines to control table and it's all rows and columns border style.

    Ex: borderStyle: 'solid'

  • borderColor

    Defines to control table and it's all rows and columns border color.

    Ex: borderColor: '#DDDDDD'

  • fontFamily

    Defines to control table font family.

    Ex: fontFamily: 'Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, FreeSans, sans-serif'

  • thBg

    Defines to control table header background color.

    Ex: thBg: '#F3F3F3'

  • thColor

    Defines to control table header text color.

    Ex: thColor: '#0E0E0E'

  • thHeight

    Defines to control table header height.

    Ex: thHeight: '30px'

  • thFontFamily

    Defines to control table header font family.

    Ex: thFontFamily: '"Open Sans Condensed", sans-serif'

  • thFontSize

    Defines to control table header font size.

    Ex: thFontSize: '14px'

  • thTextTransform

    Defines to control table header text style.

    Ex: thTextTransform: 'capitalize'

  • trBg

    Defines to control table row background color.

    Ex: trBg: '#FFFFFF'

  • trColor

    Defines to control table row text color.

    Ex: thColor: '#0E0E0E'

  • trHeight

    Defines to control table row height.

    Ex: thHeight: '25px'

  • trFontFamily

    Defines to control table row font family.

    Ex: trFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif'

  • thFontSize

    Defines to control table row font size.

    Ex: thFontSize: '13px'

  • tdPaddingLeft

    Defines to control table column left padding.

    Ex: tdPaddingLeft: '10px'

  • tdPaddingRight

    Defines to control table column right padding.

    Ex: tdPaddingRight: '10px'


Use custom parser
var data = [
               "id": 1123,
               "first_name": "Alli",
               "last_name": "Cassey",
               "email": "acassey0@list-manage.com",
               "gender": "Female",
               "registered": false
               "id": 1124,
               "first_name": "Clyde",
               "last_name": "Bromage",
               "email": "cbromage1@bbb.org",
               "gender": "Male",
               "registered": true
               "id": 1125,
               "first_name": "Janeczka",
               "last_name": "Trett",
               "email": "jtrett2@vistaprint.com",
               "gender": "Female",
               "registered": null
               "id": 1126,
               "first_name": "Kristoforo",
               "last_name": "Duplain",
               "email": "kduplain3@vimeo.com",
               "gender": "Male",
               "registered": true
               "id": 1127,
               "first_name": "Devonna",
               "last_name": "Medeway",
               "email": "dmedeway4@google.nl",
               "gender": "Female",
               "registered": false

        var parser = function(rowIdx, colIdx, value, isHead) {            
                            if (String(value) == 'true')
                              value = '✔';
                            else if (String(value) == 'false')
                              value = '-';
                            else if (value == null)
                              value = '';
                            else if (String(value) == 'Male')
                              value = '👨🏻';
                            else if (String(value) == 'Female')
                              value = '👩🏻';
                            return (value);

      $('#table').createTable(data, { 
                                      //showTableHeader: false,
                                      showTableRowNumber: true,
                                      //rowNumberInitialValue: 101,
                                      colsSameWidth: false,
                                      width: '80%',
                                      parser: parser,
                                      //parseHeader: true,
                                      //parseRowNumber: true,                                      
                                      //parserCols: ['registered'],

                                      showTitle: true,                                      
                                      titleText: 'My awesome table',
                                      //titleAlign: 'left',

                                      showFooter: true,
                                      //footerText: 'My awesome footer',
                                      footerAlign: 'right',

                                      //debug: true
Using a JSON data from your JS variable.
var data = [
               "id": 1,
               "first_name": "Alli",
               "last_name": "Cassey",
               "email": "acassey0@list-manage.com",
               "gender": "Female",
               "ip_address": ""
               "id": 2,
               "first_name": "Clyde",
               "last_name": "Bromage",
               "email": "cbromage1@bbb.org",
               "gender": "Male",
               "ip_address": ""
               "id": 3,
               "first_name": "Janeczka",
               "last_name": "Trett",
               "email": "jtrett2@vistaprint.com",
               "gender": "Female",
               "ip_address": ""
               "id": 4,
               "first_name": "Kristoforo",
               "last_name": "Duplain",
               "email": "kduplain3@vimeo.com",
               "gender": "Male",
               "ip_address": ""
               "id": 5,
               "first_name": "Devonna",
               "last_name": "Medeway",
               "email": "dmedeway4@google.nl",
               "gender": "Female",
               "ip_address": ""

$(document).ready(function () {
External JSON file.
$(document).ready(function () {
    $.getJSON("sample-data.json", function (data) {
        $('.table').createTable(data, {
            // General Style for Table
            borderWidth: '1px',
            borderStyle: 'solid',
            borderColor: '#DDDDDD',
            fontFamily: 'Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, FreeSans, sans-serif',
            // Table Header Style
            thBg: '#F3F3F3',
            thColor: '#0E0E0E',
            thHeight: '30px',
            thFontFamily: '"Open Sans Condensed", sans-serif',
            thFontSize: '14px',
            thTextTransform: 'capitalize',
            // Table Body/Row Style
            trBg: '#FFFFFF',
            trColor: '#0E0E0E',
            trHeight: '25px',
            trFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
            trFontSize: '13px',
            // Table Body's Column Style
            tdPaddingLeft: '10px',
            tdPaddingRight: '10px'