
This repository contains OAK-ready models from Modelplace.AI.


Please, use the links listed in the table below to find a model and follow the instructions provided there.

List of Models

1. Object Recognition Models

Model Name Link Demo
age_gender_recognition_retail 🔘
emotion_recognition_retail 🔘
facial_landmarks_35_adas 🔘
landmarks_regression_retail 🔘
dbface 🔘

2. Object Detection Models

Model Name Link Demo
mobilenet_ssd 🔘
pedestrian_detection_adas 🔘
person_detection_retail 🔘
person_vehicle_bike_detection_crossroad 🔘
east_text_detector 🔘
textboxes_plus_plus 🔘
tiny_yolo_v3 🔘
yolov4_tiny 🔘
vehicle_detection_adas 🔘
vehicle_license_plate_detection_barrier 🔘

3. Face Detection Models

Model Name Link Demo
face_detection_adas 🔘
face_detection_retail 🔘

4. Hand detection models

Model Name Link Demo
palm_detection 🔘

5. Pose Estimation Models

Model Name Link Demo
openpose 🔘
lightweight_openpose 🔘
hand_pose_estimation 🔘