Lab-01 Git & the Terminal

Hint: Have the finder open while you do this!


If you don't have a ~/alchemy directory, go make one!

Step by Step Instructions

  1. Use this repo as a template:
  2. Copy the url to your version of the template and clone it to your ~/alchemy folder git clone <your templated url>
  3. CD into your repo cd terminal-challange-lab
  4. Use ls and cd to move around in the directory and also use your finder to compare what you're seeing in the terminal with what you're seeing in the finder.
  5. We're now going to create some new files using the terminal -- create 2 new files in the files-to-remove directory with the echo command. The files should contain the following:
    filename text contents
    files-to-remove/name.txt My name is
    files-to-remove/foo-bar.txt if foo then bar
  6. ACP your changes
  7. Move files from files-to-remove to empty with mv
  8. Rename empty to full with mv.
  9. Remove newly empty files-to-remove directory with rmdir
  10. ACP your changes
  11. Submit a link to your GitHub repo

Points Break Down

Looking For Points (10)
Url to your repo with proper file structure submitted on Canvas 10