
source codes for top-k REE discovery [SIGMOD23]

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Top-k REE Discovery

This paper studies two questions about rule discovery. Can we characterize the usefulness of rules using quantitative criteria? How can we discover rules using those criteria? As a testbed, we consider entity enhancing rules (REEs), which subsume common association rules and data quality rules as special cases. We characterize REEs using a bi-criteria model, with both objective measures such as support and confidence, and subjective measures for the user’s needs; we learn the subjective measure and the weight vectors via active learning. Based on the bi-criteria model, we develop a top-π‘˜ algorithm to discover top-ranked REEs, and an any-time algorithm for successive discovery via lazy evaluation. We parallelize these algorithms such that they guarantee to reduce runtime when more processors are used.

For more details, see our paper:

Wenfei Fan, Ziyan Han, Yaoshu Wang, and Min Xie. Discovering Top-k Rules using Subjective and Objective Criteria. In SIGMOD (2023). ACM.

🌈 Please note that, the original code in the 'master' branch, intended to replicate the experimental results reported in our paper, contained several bugs. We have addressed these issues and implemented the necessary fixes in the 'latest' branch.

The source codes mainly include two parts:

  1. REEs_model: bi-criteria model;
  2. mls-server: top-k rule discovery;


Before building the projects, the following prerequisites need to be installed:

  • Java JDK 1.8
  • Maven
  • transformers
  • tensorflow 2.6.2
  • pytorch 1.10.2
  • huggingface


The source code of dynamic predicate filtering and rule interestingness.

1. Rules and data used in the paper.

e.g., Airports dataset

ls ./REEs_model_data/revision/labeled_data_400/airports/

airports_all_predicates.txt  airports_rules.txt  train/  train_0/  train_1/  train_2/  train_3/  train_4/

ls ./REEs_model_data/revision/labeled_data_400/airports/train/

all_predicates.txt  rules.txt  tokenVobs.txt

Folders train_0 to train_4 contains 5 training, validation and testing data. The final accuracy is the average of the 5 testing data files.

The file 'rules.txt' is the set of rules used in the paper for interestingness model training.

For other datasets, simply replace airports with aminer, hospital and ncvoter.

2. Run the interestingness model

1) Our model
cd ./REEs_model/shell/revision
./interestingness_ours.sh ${tid} ${cid} ${dir_path}

Here the arguments are described as follows.

  • tid is 0-4, representing Airports, Hospital, NCVoter, Inspection, and DBLP separately.
  • cid is 0-4, representing train_0, train_1, train_2, train_3, train_4.
  • dir_path is the absolute path of REEs_model in the local settings.

The results will be saved in './REEs_model_data/revision/results/'

2) Other baselines
cd ./REEs_model/shell/revision
./bert_interestingness.sh ${tid} ${cid} ${dir_path} ${cuda}             # for bert
./bert_mlm_interestingness.sh ${tid} ${cid} ${dir_path} ${cuda}         # for bert mlm
./interestingness_transformer.sh ${tid} ${cid} ${dir_path} ${cuda}      # transformer
./interestingness_objML.sh                                              # NoSub

where cuda refers to the gpu id

3. Active learning (AL)

cd ./REEs_model/shell/revision
./interestingness_ours_active_learning.sh ${tid} ${dir_path}

The AL procedure involved user interaction, i.e., labeling 40 pairs of rules recommended by our model in each round.

The user interaction is as follows.

Rule 0 LHS : hospital(t0) β‹€ hospital(t1) β‹€  t1.Condition = 'Surgical Infection Prevention' β‹€  t0.State = t1.State β‹€  t0.County_Name = t1.County_Name β‹€  t0.Hospital_Owner = t1.Hospital_Owner β‹€  t0.Emergency_Service = t1.Emergency_Service β‹€  t0.Sample = t1.Sample  ->  t0.Provider_Number = t1.Provider_Number
, RHS : [1, 6, 3, 2, 6]
 OBJ : [9.38637479e-07 8.50089151e-01 1.66666667e-01]

Rule 1 LHS : hospital(t0) β‹€ hospital(t1) β‹€  t0.Hospital_Type = 'Critical Access Hospitals' β‹€  t1.Emergency_Service = 'Yes' β‹€  t0.State = t1.State β‹€  t0.County_Name = t1.County_Name β‹€  t0.Hospital_Type = t1.Hospital_Type β‹€  t0.Sample = t1.Sample  ->  t1.Hospital_Owner = 'Voluntary non-profit - Church'
, RHS : [2, 19, 3, 2, 28]
 OBJ : [1.07978142e-07 8.50327967e-01 1.66666667e-01]

Which one is more interesting ? 

The user inputs 0 or 1 to select the most interesting rule from the above two.

After 4 rounds interaction, our model could learn better users' preference.


This code is for top-k REEs discovery. Below we give a toy example.

  1. Put the datasets into HDFS:
hdfs dfs -mkdir /tmp/datasets_discovery/
hdfs dfs -put airports.csv /tmp/datasets_discovery/
  1. Put the files related to interestingness model, from datasets/, into HDFS:
hdfs dfs mkdir -p /tmp/rulefind/interestingness/airports_topk/
hdfs dfs -put tokenVobs.txt /tmp/rulefind/interestingness/airports_topk/
hdfs dfs -put interestingnessModel.txt /tmp/rulefind/interestingness/airports_topk/
hdfs dfs -put filterRegressionModel.txt /tmp/rulefind/interestingness/airports_topk/
hdfs dfs -put airports_predicates.txt /tmp/rulefind/interestingness/airports_topk/
  1. Download all the dependencies (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Gviqt7zcaRGQho4x5i6hPnuwPmWonWFR?usp=sharing), then move the directory lib/ into mls-server/example/:
cd mls-server/
mv lib/ example/
  1. Compile and build the project:
mvn package

Then move and replace the mls-server-0.1.1.jar from mls-server/target/ to example/lib/:

mv target/mls_server-0.1.1.jar example/lib/
  1. After all these preparation, run the toy example:
cd example/scripts/

The results will be shown in discoveryResults/, as 'resRootFile' in run_unit.sh shows.


Here only contain a small dataset Airport.

The others are released in https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Gviqt7zcaRGQho4x5i6hPnuwPmWonWFR?usp=sharing