
NLP engine code

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


The NLP engine is the engine that runs text analyzers writtein in NLP++. It can be called in two different ways:

  1. Calling the nlp.exe command line executable (this is what the VSCode NLP++ Language Extension does)
  2. Calling from within C++ or another language that can call c++ functions

Command Line

You can get help on nlp.exe:

  [command arg: --help]

  usage: nlp [--version] [--help]
             [-INTERP][-COMPILED] INTERP is the default
             [-ANA analyzer] name or path to NLP++ analyzer folder
             [-IN infile] input text file path
             [-OUT outdir] output directory
             [-WORK workdir] working directory
             [-DEV][-SILENT] -DEV generates logs, -SILENT (default) does not
             [infile [outfile]] when no /IN or -OUT specified

  Directories in the nlp.exe files:
     data        nlp engine bootstrap grammar
     analyzers   default location for nlp++ analyzer folders
     visualtext  common files for the VisualText IDE


Switch Function
-INTERP / -COMPILED Runs NLP++ code interpreted or compiled
-ANA name of the analyzer or path to the analyzer folder
-IN Input file
-OUT Output directory
-WORK Working director where the library and executable files are
-DEV / -SILENT -DEV generates logs, -SILENT (default) does not
[infile [outfile]] when no -IN or -OUT specified

Calling NLP++ Analyzers from C++

There is a test directory in the repository that builds a test.exe that calls analyzers using c++ code.

Test directory

The test directory contains a call to the nlp engine using buffers.

Development and Compiling the NLP-ENGINE


In order to compile the NLP Engine on linux, you will need to install the following packages:


Too be done