
a niche ffmpeg benchmark to help with encoding videos for VRChat

Primary LanguageShell

This script takes the specified video, time, and duration and encodes that video at that time for that duration across all of ffmpeg's various settings, recording how long it took in the log. These can then be combined with retrieving the bitrate through

for preset in ultrafast superfast veryfast faster fast medium slow slower veryslow; do echo "$preset:"; ffmpeg -i "output_${preset}.mp4" -hide_banner 2>&1 | grep "bitrate:"; done

and passed to ChatGPT to produce a table and chart, examples of which follows:

Preset Time (min) Bitrate (kb/s) File Size (MB)
ultrafast 2.41983 7702 1733.1
superfast 2.97605 5082 1143.52
veryfast 3.94317 4051 911.64
faster 4.17835 4575 1029.53
fast 5.23873 4655 1047.6
medium 6.15433 4499 1012.33
slow 9.07438 4397 989.445
slower 18.4625 4368 982.876
veryslow 21.7079 4122 927.628

Chart of bitrate vs time to encode vs file size

This is not really a general-purpose benchmark, particularly reusable, particularly reconfigurable, or designed to be used without a LLM capable of taking natural language text and reinterpreting it as code to create a table and chart.

I'm really just pushing this to make sure I have it if I ever need it again. If I were to use this again, I'd probably have ChatGPT rewrite it in Python and store the data in JSON, including the bitrate, so that there was one script that did everything and worked on all platforms.