
Seed project for Angular 1.x using TypeScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Fully-functional, minimal seed project for Angular 1.x using TypeScript.

Features a Gulp-based build process that automates the development as much as possible.


  1. TypeScript for Angular 1.x development
  2. Unit Tests using Jasmine.
  3. Support for building in Test, Debug or Production modes.
  4. Support for minifying using UglifyJS.
  5. Support for retrieving type definitions using DefinitelyTyped TSD
  6. Runs unit tests automatically using Karma.
  7. Gulp-based build with support for multiple build configurations and rebuilding on file changes - based on Dan Wahlin's TypeScript Workflow
  8. Angular UI Router.
  9. Support for bundling all CSS and JavaScript files into separate "dist" directory for running on production servers using gulp-useref
  10. Cache-busting support for bundled resources using gulp-rev-all


  1. Clone to your local machine.
  2. Run following commands from cloned directory (assumes you already have npm/NodeJS and Bower installed globally):
  • cd app
  • npm install
  • bower install


  • gulp <"test" | "debug" | "production">
    • No arguments to put into "test" (development) mode (auto-watch + unit tests enabled)
    • "debug" to create build intended for debugging (no minification, etc)
    • "production" to create build intended for production.