
Primary LanguageDockerfileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Hugging Face Containers

This repository contains a set of container images for training and serving Hugging Face models for different versions and libraries. The containers are structure and scoped base on the following principles:

  1. The buildspec/ directory is the source of truth for every generated container defintion in containers/
  2. The buildspec/ directory is strucuted by {library}/{scope}/buildspec.yaml.
  3. The containers/ direcotry contained all the generated container definitions for the container and conda environment.
  4. The containers/ directory is structured by {library}/{scope}/{tag.split("/")}/Dockerfile. tag is defined in the buildspec.yaml as key
  5. Never make changes in containers/ since they will always be overwritten.
  6. The templates/ directory contains the templates for the different Dockerfiles, environment.yaml and Github actions.yaml
  7. If you want to add new images check add new images.
  8. Use python generator.py to create the containers/.

For the list of available DLC images, see Available Huggingface Containers Images. You can find more information for each image their respective Dockerfile and environment.yaml definitions.

How to use Hugging Face Containers

All containers in the repository are publicly availabe through the Dockerhub. You can find all of the images in the Available Huggingface Containers Images. In the table you can find a column for the URI. Meaning that you can simply run docker pull or use the images as in your on Dockerfile with FROM .... Below you find two examples:

  1. Pull Transformers training image:
docker pull huggingface/transformers-training:4.20.1-pt1.11-cuda11.5
  1. Use Transformers training image in your Dockerfile:
FROM huggingface/transformers-training:4.20.1-pt1.11-cuda11.5

Repository Structure

Below is a tree structure of the repository with comments

├── .github/workflows
│   └── {library}-{tag}.yaml # action to build, test, scan & push images
├── buildspec/
│   ├── {library}/{scope}
│       └── buildspec.yaml # definitions for all images for the library and scope
├── containers/
│   ├── {library}/{scope}/{tag}/{version}/{device}.../ # contains container artifact
│       ├── Dockerfile # Dockerfile for the container
│       └── environment.yaml # mamba/conda environment definition
└── index.html

Add new images

If you want to add new images you need to follow the steps below:

1. Create new Repository in the Hugging Face Dockerhub account.

If you don't have access to the Dockerhub account ping @philschmid in the PR of your new container. Make sure to prepare a overview for the dockerhub page. You can find a example in overview.md.

2. Create a new buildspec in the buildspec/ folder

If you want to create a new container image for library:transformers with a scope for distillation. You would create a new buildspec.yaml in the buildspec/transformers/distillation folder. In there you would all of the images you want to create, e.g. cpu, gpu etc. You can find an example for a buildspec.yaml here.

3. Generate Dockerfiles, environment.yaml and action.yaml

After you added your buildspec.yaml you can generate the Dockerfiles, environment.yaml and action.yaml files by running the following command:

python generator.py

This command will re-generate all existing images and create your new image artifacts. Sticking with the distillation example you should new files generated in containers/transformers/distillation/**.

4. Add Tests (Work in Progress how to add tests)

Next step is to add your tests in the tests/ folder. Therefore you create a new test_*.py including the tests for your new images.

5. Create PR for new images

The last step is to create a PR into the main branch this will trigger you generate CI action, which will try to build, test and scan the new image. After the pipeline is green you can ask for review.


Conda packages

search for conda packages

conda search -c pytorch pytorch=1.13.0=py3.9_cuda11.6*

^works not on m1

Helpful resources

Next Steps

  • Think about good testing
  • Add Scans and Lints into CI.