
Had problems adding Lingui to a new Gatsby page. Need a .babelrc file and gatsby-source-filesystem to the locales in gatsby-config.js https://github.com/hupe1980/gatsby-i18n/issues/26

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Gatsby Plugin Lingui Example


  1. npm i @lingui/babel-preset-react @lingui/react @wapps/gatsby-plugin-lingui

  2. npm i -D @lingui/cli

  3. Add to gatsby-config.js

       resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
       options: {
         path: `${__dirname}/locale`,
         name: `locale`,
       resolve: "@wapps/gatsby-plugin-lingui",
       options: {
         availableLngs: ["en", "de"],
         fallbackLng: "en",
  4. Add lingui.config.js to root

    module.exports = {
      fallbackLocale: "en",
      sourceLocale: "en",
      localeDir: "<rootDir>/locale",
      srcPathDirs: ["<rootDir>/src/components", "<rootDir>/src/pages"],
      srcPathIgnorePatterns: ["/node_modules/"],
      format: "minimal",
  5. Add .babelrc to root

      "presets": ["babel-preset-gatsby", "@lingui/babel-preset-react"]
  6. Add tranlations to pages and components with <Trans>Text to translate</Trans>

  7. Add the locales query to your gatsby pages

    export const query = graphql`
      query($lng: String!, $fallbackLng: String!) {
        locales: allLocale(
          filter: { lng: { in: [$lng, $fallbackLng] }, ns: { eq: "messages" } }
        ) {
  8. Wrap you components:

    export default withLingui()(IndexPage)
  9. npm run add-locale en de fr to add lanuages

  10. npm run extract to get the messages files

  11. Translate the messages files

  12. npm start

  13. Profit