CI Server:
- summary
- requirements
- installation
- configuration
- troubleshooting
A Islandora wrapper for the Internet Archive BookReader. The source code license is AGPL v3, as described in the LICENSE file.
This module doesn't do much on its own, its assummed that it will be used in conjunction with a solution pack, where it will be provided as a viewer.
Internet Archive BookReader Djatoka Solr (Optional)
Download the Internet Archive BookReader to sites/all/libraries/bookreader.
Developer documentation:
Hosted source code:
This module requires that you set up Djatoka, please follow the steps outlined at the following link.
Also be sure to visit the configuration page for this module, here you can modify the default settings and test your connection to Djatoka. Which can be found at the following link.
Having problems/Solved a problem? Check out the Islandora google groups for a solution.
Islandora Group:!forum/islandora
Islandora Dev Group:!forum/islandora-dev