
Raise a ticket, work in isolation and when it's done - STAMP it!

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Ticket Stamp

ticket-stamp is a very fast and lightweight development pipeline that supports ticket driven staged workflows. Modules under active ticket development are automatically integrated into the current production application to create a unique and isolated application entry point (IEP). The application is live - except for the modules in the ticket.


  • Ticket driven: All modules under ticket development are completely isolated from all other ticket workflows as well as other stages in the current workflow.
  • Staged promotion: from dev into qa, and on to prod at the click of a button.
  • Optimistic deployment: ticket stamped modules are immediately available for promotion.
  • Backed by git: synchronizes with git history for safe alternate scenarios - even in prod.
    • Promoted tickets can be reverted at any time after promotion.
    • Closed tickets can be re-opened by re-initiating the workflow.
    • Each of these operational patterns is near instantaneous.
  • Plugin architecture
    • Policy driven promotion: git checks, sanity tests, sign offs, etc.
    • Optional Jira integration for fine-grained ticket control.
    • Optional Slack integration to keep everyone notified.

How it works

The ticket-stamp system consists of a cloud service that orchestrates the creation and delivery of ticket stamped import maps, and a CLI tool that is used by the developer to create and operate a ticket workflow.

  • Each import map is uniquely bound to a ticket and stored in an IEP (isolated entry point) in the IEP cloud service.
  • The import map is progressively upgraded through module development.
  • A page url with a stage=ticket query (?dev=TKT-001) will update the script response with the appropriate IEP entries.
  • Typically the browser will have cached all but the ticketed modules.

ticket-stamp is designed to work with browsers that natively support esm modules.


yarn ticket-stamp


at the command line run npx ticket-stamp

$ npx ticket-stamp (or stamp --help)
$ npx ticket-stamp [--ticket] TKT-NUM | tktnum
$ npx ticket-stamp [TKT-NUM] --update --list --promote --verbose


  -h, --help
  -v, --verbose
  -t, --ticket tkt-nnn    An open Jira ticket number
  -l, --list              List ticket entries (default: --qa --prod)
  -u, --update            Update module entry | entries (default: auto / watch)
  -f, --folder ./p/t/f    Watch / upload folder (default: ./src)
  -q, --qa                QA ticket specifier
  -d, --dev               Dev ticket specifier
  -p, --prod              Prod specifier

  --promote               Promote a ticket to next stage
  --revert                Revert a ticket to previous stage
  --close                 Close a ticket


DEV: Stamp out a new ticket and watch for source code changes

stamp TKT-001 --update

This action starts a new workflow and assigns it to the ticket number TKT-001. The ./src folder will be monitored for saved source code modules which will be automatically sent to the IEP service.

The IEP service will generate a new unique import-map based off the current production map but amended to include the latest uploaded module.

The IEP service guarantees that any URL with a query containing dev=TKT-001 will receive the stamped import-map.

DEV: Promote the ticket to QA

stamp TKT-001 --promote

This action first verifies that the local git HEAD is directly descended from master and that the status is clean.

The IEP service performs a similar action against the remote git repository.

When both of these checks are verified, the IEP service promotes the ticket to qa state. The modified application will now be available through a URL containing qa=TKT-001

QA: Promote the ticket to PROD

stamp TKT-001 --promote

This action performs the same checks as the previous step before promoting the ticket to prod. The released application will no longer require a ticket in the URL.

The ticket resources are closed but not removed from the workflow system. The ticket stage can be reverted almost instantaneously.


ticket-stamp is in early alpha. There are many parts missing from the bigger picture.

  • Upgrade --watch for add, change, delete
  • Implement IEP control panel - mainly for QA
  • Policy plugin - move all of the promote decisions out of IEP
  • Authentication plugin - Integrate Github, Atlassian, etc single sign on
  • Promotion plugin - orchestrate promotion through customized build steps.
  • Hook plugin - Github, Jira, Slack, whatever