
Moon Unit example Zappa project - S3 -> rotate -> S3

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

An example project using Zappa, Invoke, and Troposphere



Components in this repo:

  1. Zappa project that deploys an API Gateway and Lambda for accepting webhook calls and enqueuing on SQS
  2. S3 event listener

The repo consists of:

  1. Multibranch declarative pipline Jenkinsfile for CI build
  2. Invoke library build definitions for deploying CloudFormation templates and Zappa project
  3. Generator for Zappa execution IAM Policy
  4. Generator for Zappa config file
  5. Troposphere code to create AWS Resources not defined in Zappa configuration
  6. API Gateway Custom Authorizer using Credstash

In this project,

  • moonunit is used as the example application and package name
  • rcollimore is used as the example username

Most of the configuration for deploying to AWS is generated from templates to allow multiple developers to deploy to the same AWS account without stepping on each other's resources, so elements are usually suffixed with a unique name, e.g., 'dev-rcollimore'.

Credstash is used for storing the (single) secret token validated by the custom authorizer.

Setting up a dev environment


  • Python or pyenv 3.6 to bootstrap pipenv

Install pipenv

pip3 install pipenv

Setting up a pipenv virtualenv

From within this repo, run:

pipenv install --dev

Running the linter

pipenv run pycodestyle .

Running the tests

pipenv run pytest tests

Webhook Handler API Gateway + Lambda

  • Falcon web service framework w/ WSGI interface
  • Zappa serverless Python framework

All of these commands need to be run in the context of pipenv shell or executed with pipenv run prefixed.


Run the web service locally with Gunicorn

QUEUE_NAME=Moonunit-InboundResponses-dev-$USER gunicorn moonunit.webhook_handler:app

Initially deploy environment 'dev' to AWS

invoke create --env dev

Initially setup SSL certs for environment 'dev' in AWS

invoke certify --env dev

Update existing environment 'dev' to AWS

invoke update --env dev

Invoke via API Gateway endpoint:

Without a Custom Domain Name configured and with the custom authorizer turned off:

curl -v -X POST 'https://qm8sarlacc.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev_pvarner/responses?param1=foo' ; echo '\n'

note that the url is of the form https://{host}/{api gateway stage}/{wsgi app resource}

With a Custom Domain Name configured:

curl -v -X POST 'https://webhook.example.org/responses?answer=foo' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 1234' && echo

Creating a new Custom Domain Name:

  • API Gateway -> Custom Domain Names -> (Create Custom Domain Name)
  • Domain Name: e.g., moonunit-dev-rcollimore.example.org
  • Edge Optimized (as the certificate lives in us-east-1, it has to be)
  • ACM Certificate: *.example.org, the only one
  • Base Path Mappings
    • Path: (blank)
    • Destination:
    • unnamed field: dev
  • Save Then wait for ~40 minutes (not joke) -- it takes that long for all the things to propagate.

Create a Route53 A record to your custom domain

  • Edit Hosted Zone '.example.org'
  • Name: moonunit-dev-rcollimore
  • Type: A
  • Alias: Yes
    • Alias Target: CloudFront host, e.g., dwdl1utqpi3k6.cloudfront.net. from your Custom Domain Name
  • Routing Policy: Simple


invoke tail --env dev

Custom Authorizer

TODO: Write something about this.