
webkit notification service for angularjs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


a simple notifications service for angularjs


Dropin somewhere in your config's a setup your defaults with

  image: "path/to/your/default/image.png",
  title: "my default title",
  text: "my default body",
  show: 1000 // default delay to show, or just true to show immediately

And then from anywhere in your code create a new notification with

  image: "path/to/your/awesome-image.png",
  title: "Ahoy!",
  text: "This is a notification yeah!",
  show: true

worth knowing

Notification.create will create a new notification if it can, or it will queue it and will ask the browser for permissions and then create it.

You can smash a bunch of Notification.create together and have the service queue them all with different timings so after the users gives the app permissions BAM, the notifications start flowing :)

As shown in leostera.com. Just click the lambda.

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