An IRC/E-Mail/XMPP collector backend written in Ruby. Early-stage work in progress
- connects to various message sources (IRC-only, at the moment)
- does only write encrypted data to disk (NaCl)
- modular architecture
This project aims to replace classical IRC bouncers in a safe fashion. Every piece of data written to disk is encrypted via djb's NaCl crypto library.
Prerequisities: Ruby, Bundler (, SQLitebrowser (
This project utilizes a RESTful API.
/key-ID/all e.g.:`
At the moment, this project is not ready for the end user since it is still developed.
- download project
- change to the project directory
bundle install
ruby classes.rb
- quit program
- open SQLitebrowser
- open table
- add your IRC server:
id - incrementing number. Must not be used twice
description - the name of your IRC channel. For example: foobar123
host - URL of the IRC server with port. Only SSL-encrypted connections are supported. For example:
type - since IRC is the only supported protocol at the moment: irc
nick - your desired nick
realname - your desired realname
channel - the channel that should be listened
- add a client
- build a client ;)
- create a NaCl keypair (preferably with RbNaCl, other key formats were not tested)
- Base64 the public key
- edit the
table:id - incrementing number
description - your internal name for that device
- `private key - DO NOT edit this field! Bad things would happen... (every saved public key with a private key is considered a host key...)
revoked - 0 if the key's fresh, 1 if it is revoked. It won't be used from that moment on
- write all changes to the database
- run
ruby classes.rb
- enjoy! :)