
A Simple Template for a Discord Python Bot

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Discord Bot Template

A template for future Discord bots using discord.py.


  1. Fork this repo.
  2. Install Python 3.6 or higher.
  3. Install Discord.py (rewrite):
pip install --user discord.py
  1. Create a file data/config.json with the following contents:
    "daemon": false,
    "dev": true,
    "token": "<bot_token>",
    "prefix": "!",
    "github_email": "<user_email>@users.noreply.github.com",
    "author": "<your_name>",
    "author_link": "<your_link>",
    "github_repo": "<your_name>/Discord-Bot-Template"

(Obviously adjust parameters as appropriate.)

  1. Run python3 main.py to start the bot.