

This bot is a Multi-Purpose Discord Bot and also a easy to use and a Customizable Language!

Spectrum is a Multi purpose Bot with almost 120+ Commands in Different Categories! You can also Set your own prefix, Choose your own Language, and Disable/Enable Commands of your choice! Feel free to join in our Support Server You can also get things by voting us here!


Multi Purpose Bot

Spectrum offers (non-exhaustive list):

  • ✉️ Support for commands in direct messages
  • 🇫🇷 Support for translations (illimited languages)
  • ⚙️ Guild configuration (prefix, ignored channels, etc...)
  • 😀 Commands made pleasant thanks to the many emojis
  • 🗳️ Website on his own! (Still on Developmenet)

Spectrum also adds a new mention like @everyone and @here, the @someone, which allows you to pick a random member of the server!

Many commands

Spectrum has a lot of features, with 7 main categories:

  • 👩‍💼 Administration: slowmode, welcome, addcommand, automod, backup and 11 more!
  • 🚓 Moderation: see-warns, setlogs, checkinvites, poll, and 6 more!
  • 🎵 Music: play, skip, queue, np, and 2 more!
  • 💰 Economy: profile, work, badge, slots, balance, leaderboard, and 6 more!
  • 👻 Fun: lmg, findwords, flip, lovecalc, random and 6 more!
  • 🖨️ General: minimize, setafk, translate, remindme, hastebin, fortnite, minecraft and 10 more!
  • 👑 Owner: eval, getinvite, servers-list and 2 more!
