
simple command line interface for time tracking service mite.yo.lk

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Simple CLI tool for creating, listing, starting and stopping time tracking entries in Mite using the mite-api npm package which is using the official mite api

MIT License NPM Package NPM Downloads CircleCI Known Vulnerabilities Maintainability FOSSA Status


  • Create and start new Entries with interactive survey-like cli interface
  • Edit the currently running entries text for fast updating the work log
  • Show, filter, group time entries to show reports for last month, current week etc.
  • List, sort, filter user accounts, customers, projects & services using variable columns and cli-tables, csv or tsv data
  • Delete single entries by id
  • Highlight JIRA identifiers and github numeral hashtags in time entry’s notes

Other ideas & planned features can be found in the wiki. If something doesn’t work please create a new issue.


    Usage: mite [options] [command]

    command line tool for time tracking service mite.yo.lk


      -V, --version  output the version number
      -h, --help     output usage information


      amend|reword       edit the text for a specific time entry or the currently runnning entry
      config             show or set configuration settings
      delete|rm          delete a specific time entry
      list|st            list time entries
      new|create         create a new time entry
      open               open the given time entry in browser
      stop               stop any running counter
      start              start the tracker for the given id, will also stop allready running entry
      users              list, filter & search for users
      projects           list, filter & search projects
      services           list, filter & search services
      customers|clients  list, filter & search customers
      help [cmd]         display help for [cmd]


npm install -g mite-cli

Or use it directly using npx:

npx mite-cli

Please note that all examples in this README.md assume that you have installed mite-cli globally. If not, just replace the mite call with npx mite-cli and you’re fine.


Before you can start you’ll have to setup your mite account and api key which you can find in your mite "Account" tab.

mite config set account <name>
mite config set apiKey <key>

The configuration is stored in a file which is only writable and readable by you in your home directory: ~/.mite-cli.json.

In case you want to use multiple mite accounts please open up a change request



By default lists today’s time-entries including id, date, project name, revenue, service and the entries note.

When an entry is currently active and tracked it will be yellow and indicated with a little play icon "▶". Also locked entries are greyed out and indicated with a green checkmark "✔" symbol.

mite list

│       id │ date       │ user            │    project │ duration │ revenue │ service           │ note                                             │
│ 73628791 │ 2017-09-13 │ Marcel Eichner  │ carservice │  ▶ 01:36 │       - │ Programming       │ open in browser                                  │
│ 73628761 │ 2017-09-13 │ Marcel Eichner  │        ABC │    00:07 │    9.33 │ Communication     │ lorem ipsum dolor                                │
│ 73627950 │ 2017-09-13 │ Marcel Eichner  │ sp support │    00:04 │    4.84 │ Programming       │ JIRA-123 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur  │
│          │            │                 │            │          │         │                   │ sadipscing.                                      │
│ 73627919 │ 2017-09-13 │ Marcel Eichner  │        XYZ │    00:10 │   13.33 │ Communication     │ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur           │
│          │            │                 │            │          │         │                   │ sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod         │
│          │            │                 │            │          │         │                   │ tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore              │
│          │            │                 │            │    00:21 │   27.50 │                                                                      │

You also can request longer time frames by using the first argument which is bascially the at parameter of the time entries api:

mite list this_month

mite list last_month

Or Specific dates:

mite list 2017-01-02

Or search for specific entries in all time-entries from the current year

mite list this_year --search JIRA-123

There are also a bunch of other options available, just check mite list --help.


The list command will by default list a set of default columns. You can specify which columns should be shown using the --columns option.

The following example will only show the user and his durations from last week including the sum of the durations:

mite list last_week --billable false --columns=user,duration

│ User           │   Duration │
│ Marcel Eichner │       0:45 │
│ Marcel Eichner │       0:20 │
│ Marcel Eichner │     ✔ 0:13 │
│ Marcel Eichner │     ✔ 1:34 │
│ Marcel Eichner │     ✔ 0:06 │
│                │       2:58 │

Alternate Output formats

The program is designed to work well and look well in the cli and will show the results in tabular style using box drawing characters. This is not easy to use in further processing. That’s where the other output formats come in handy:

mite list last_week --format=csv --columns=user,id

2018-11-02,Marcel Eichner,1:10
2018-11-01,Marcel Eichner,2:30
2018-10-31,Marcel Eichner,✔ 2:47
2018-10-30,Marcel Eichner,✔ 0:43
2018-10-30,Marcel Eichner,✔ 0:10
2018-10-30,Marcel Eichner,✔ 0:09
2018-10-29,Marcel Eichner,✔ 1:35
2018-10-29,Marcel Eichner,✔ 1:21

The following formats are supported:

  • csv (comma-seperated)
  • md (markdown)
  • table (cli-table)
  • tsv (tab-separated)

This makes it very easy to further process the data, transform it into a HTML page or PDF.

Creating a time-sheet for your clients can be done like this:

mite list last_month --format=csv --columns=date,service,note,duration

Grouped lists

For getting a rough overview of the monthly project or services distribution you can use the --group_by argument which will group the time entries. This could also be helpful for creating bills.

mite list last_month --group_by=service

│ Communication      │  13:03 │   994.98 € │
│ Programming        │ 109:27 │  9387.11 € │
│ Project Management │  15:43 │  1484.48 € │
│                    │ 138:13 │ 11866.57 € │

Or even more groups which also allows splitting between customers:

mite list last_month --group_by=customer,service

│ Soup Inc.       │ Communication     │   3:48 │   361.00 € │
│ Soup Inc.       │ Programming       │  88:15 │  1383.75 € │
│ Soup Inc.       │ ProjectManagement │  15:20 │   456.67 € │
│ Musterman Corp. │ Communication     │   0:47 │          - │
│ Musterman Corp. │ Programming       │   7:35 │          - │
│ Beans Gmbh      │ Communication     │   8:28 │   133.98 € │
│ Beans Gmbh      │ Programming       │  13:37 │   203.36 € │
│ Beans Gmbh      │ ProjectManagement │   0:23 │    97.81 € │
│                 │                   │ 138:13 │  2635.15 € │


The budgets command was removed cause the same result can be archived by calling: mite list this_month --group_by=project


Interactive cli-based multi-step form for creating / starting new time entries. It will read and show a list of projects, services.

mite new

Services can be filtered with a whitelist in the configuration file:

    "whitelistedServices": ["<service name>"]


Opens a specific time entry in your browser

mite open 1234567

If you don’t specify a time entry id the index page of your mite client account will be opened.


Start a specific tracker

mite start <id>

Stop Tracker

Stops any tracked time tracker.

mite stop

Edit Currently Tracked Note

When there’s a tracker running you may want to update the note without opening the browser and enter the new details. You can use amend or reword command which will load the time entry and you can enter the new note.

mite amend

You can also add the --editor option so that your favorite editor opens up with the current note prefilled. Make sure your $EDITOR is correctly set.

mite amend --editor

You can also alter the notes of other time entries when you specify their id

mite amend 1847132

Delete entry

Delete a single entry

mite delete 18472721


List user accounts while client-side search in name, email & note, sort by email and list only time_trackers and admins. Archived users will be grey.

mite user --search frank --role admin,time_tracker --sort email

│         id │ role         │ name            │ email                       │ note                                               │
│     123456 │ admin        │ Frank Abergnale │ email@host.com              │ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicin │
│            │              │                 │                             │ g elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore │
│            │              │                 │                             │ et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, q │
│            │              │                 │                             │ uis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut a │
│            │              │                 │                             │ liquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure do │
│            │              │                 │                             │ lor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillu │
│            │              │                 │                             │ m dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint  │
│            │              │                 │                             │ occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui │
│            │              │                 │                             │ officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.       │
│      12345 │ time_tracker │ Heinz Frankfurt │ email2@host.com             │                                                    │

List archived user accounts

mite user --archived

│         id │ role         │ name            │ email                       │ note                                               │
│       1234 │ time_tracker │ James Howlett   │ email3@host.com             │                                                    │


List, filter and search for projects. Example showing only archived projects ordered by customer_id in ascending order

mite projects --archived yes --sort=customer_id

│ id      │ name          │ customer                 │      budget │    rate │ note                                                                             │
│ 1234567 │ Alpha X       │ WebCompany (1234)        │   96:00 h/m │ 12.34 € │ lorem ipsum, multiline note example                                              │
│         │               │                          │             │         │ dolor text                                                                       │
│ 1234568 │ Beta-Test     │ WebCompany (1234)        │           - │       - │                                                                                  │
│ 1234568 │ App-Review    │ WebCompany (1234)        │ 5000.00 €/m │ 12.34 € │                                                                                  │
│  827261 │ Deployment    │ Example ltd. (73625)     │  24000.00 € │       - │                                                                                  │


List, filter and search for customers. Archived customers will be shown in grey.

mite customers --search web --sort=id

│ id     │ name            │    rate │ note                                                                             │
│ 123456 │ WebCompany Ltd. │ 12.34 € │ client’s note                                                                    │
│ 827361 │ Solutions Web   │ 80.00 € │ Multiline lorem ipsum                                                            │
│        │                 │         │ note content                                                                     │
│ 927361 │ Mite-Cli        │       - │ open source project                                                              │


List, filter and search for services. Archived services will be grey.

mite services

│ id     │ name              │ rate     │ billable │ note                                                                         │
│ 123456 │ Programming       │  20.00 € |      yes │ General Programming                                                          │
│ 123457 │ Consulting        │  30.00 € │      yes │                                                                              │
│ 736251 │ Accounting        │        - │       no │ Accounting, invoices etc.                                                    │

Other Projects


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